A Chinese Ghost Story Series (Remastered) [3-Disc DVD Boxset]

Version: Hong Kong
DVD Region 3
USD 0.00

Product Languages

Language  Mandarin, Cantonese
Subtitles  Chinese, English

Item Description

倩女幽魂系列(3DVD)(數碼修復版) A Chinese Ghost Story Series (3 DVD Boxset) (Digitally Remastered) Collection

倩女幽魂 A Chinese Ghost Story (1987)

書生寧采臣(張國榮 飾)在往郭北縣途中遇大雨,被迫 在蘭若寺投宿。夜半時分,突傳來美妙琴音,寧起來查看, 見女子聶小倩(王祖賢 飾)便即時被其清秀的氣質吸引。不 料,小倩不懷好意,起勢要殺寧,幸得寺內道士燕赤霞(午 馬 飾)及時相救,寧才保住性命。在機緣巧合下,寧得知小 倩乃被千年樹妖-姥姥(劉兆銘 飾)控制的冤魂,每冕被迫四 出找壯男給姥姥吸取陽氣。為免她再受凌辱,寧采臣決意要 救她出魔掌,而唯一的方法是將她的屍骨運回其鄉…

倩女幽魂2人間道 A Chinese Ghost Story II (1990)
主角寧采臣(張國榮)發展,故事發生於一個奸臣當 道,朝政混亂,民生困苦的時代,寧采臣與專斬妖除魔的好 友燕赤霞(午馬)分手路經一個半荒棄的市場,無辜被牽連 入獄。幸在獄中通天博學士諸葛臥龍(谷峰)相助逃獄,逃 獄後與年青鬼馬道士知狄(張學友)纏上,從誤會以至相 交,一起投宿於一荒廢山莊。山莊中陰森恐佈,隱藏著一隻 巨屍,然巨屍未現,兩人已先與一班鬼大打起來。經一番解 釋,始知這班鬼皆為人扮,盡是忠義之士。在傅青風(王祖 賢)及其妹妹傅月池(李嘉欣)的帶領下,埋伏山莊,拯救 被陷害入獄,被押上京受審的父親-兵都尚書傅天仇(劉兆 銘)眾人誤認寧為諸葛臥龍前輩而尊敬有嘉。寧無從解釋之 際,又覺青風貌似舊愛小倩,以為其為小倩投胎,遂將錯就 錯,留不以便試探真假。山莊中,巨屍突然出現,知秋救寧 出險境,並斬巨屍成半截,然巨屍上半身為患人間。遂追逐 巨屍而去。寧無奈,留在山莊,與壯士商討營救傅天仇之計 劃。

倩女幽魂3道道道 A Chinese Ghost Story III (1991)
小和尚十方(梁朝偉)隨師父白雲護送金佛,在蘭若寺 遭女鬼小卓(王祖賢)與小蝶(利智)用美色氣弄,十方好 心放走小卓,白雲反被樹妖姥姥活捉。十方深信可對付樹妖 的金佛亦破爛,幸得小道士燕亦霞(張學友)相助。小卓得 知姥姥逼她下嫁鬼王,毅然出走求助十方。十方掘出小卓骨 灰逃出蘭若寺,但姥姥已佈下天羅地網,眾人危在旦夕,十 方化成佛祖金身,對付樹妖。

A Chinese Ghost Story Series (3 DVD Boxset) (Digitally Remastered) Collection

A Chinese Ghost Story (1987)
Compelled by a heavy rainstorm, Ning Tsai- shen (Leslie Cheung) trespasses on the Orchid Temple on his way to the village. Ning is awakened in the midnight and is attached to the bewitching music played by Nieh Hsiao-tsing (Joey Wang). Ning falls in love with Nieh, in spite of the objection from a monk Yin (Wo Ma), who lives in the temple. For Ning's true love, Nieh betrays Old Evil (Lau Siu Ming), who manipulates Nieh to kill strong men for its longevity. Yin comes to their rescue while Ning finally realizes Nieh is a soul without body.......

A Chinese Ghost Story II (1990)
Several years after his beloved Nieh has gone, Ning (Leslie Cheung) is innocently put into jail. Luckily, he meets a scholar, Elder Chu Kot, in the prison who finally helps him escape. Ning then meets a young witty monk Autumn (Jacky Cheung). They become friends and live in an abandoned villa together. The villa is horrific, yet they choose to stay for a while. Later that night, some ghosts suddenly appear and attack; two parties fight heavily. But after clarifications, Ning and Autumn find that "the ghosts" are humans in disguise, who intend to save their leader from imprisonment but not hurting innocence. Among them, Ning finds someone who looks identical to Nieh, and considers she is the reincarnated Nieh......A real giant zombie has seen all these in behind and is ready to ambush.......

A Chinese Ghost Story III (1991)
Having slept for a century, the monstrous Tree Devil is now awaken and starts finding lost souls again. One stormy night, a wise High Priest (Lau Shun) and his student Fong (Tony Leung) pass by the Orchid Temple and realize that it is haunted. Fong encounters two evil spirits, the seductive Lotus (Joey Wang) and her hated sister Butterfly (Nina Li), in the temple. Although Fong knows his master wants to capture them, he finds himself being attracted by them so he sets them free. The monks' stay at the temple has to be prolonged since Fong carelessly loses the valuable Gold Buddha. Later on, they come to a corrupt local town, while the High Priest meets Yin (Jacky Cheung) by chance and a series of misunderstandings evolve. Meanwhile, Fong encounters Lotus again and finds himself falling in love with her.......


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