Bruce Lee Legendary Collection [Remastered In 4K]

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Subtitles  Chinese, English
Bruce Lee Legendary Collection [Remastered In 4K]
Bruce Lee Legendary Collection [Remastered In 4K]

Item Description

Fist of Fury:
大俠霍元甲於上海被毒殺,弟子陳真(李小龍飾)趕回精武館奔喪。日本武術研究社竟送來「東亞 病夫」扁額,陳激憤填膺,遂到日本武社把眾人打個落花流水。為息事寧人,陳聽從師兄勸告,打算離開上海,豈料臨行前他發現師父的死竟和日本武社有關,於是 留字出走,單挑日本武館,更把社長鈴木和俄國大力士打死。武社之人為報復,到精武館大開殺戒。陳的大師兄和小師妹(苗可秀飾)發現時悲慟不已。此時日本領 事聯同大隊警察突然出現,要武館交出陳真,否則全精武門都要填命!在一場慘無天日的惡戰一觸即發之際,陳真突然現身 ....

After the kung fu instructor of Chen (Lee) is brutally murdered, Chen seeks revenge. When he discovers that the killers are a Japanese gang, and that they are terrorizing his former school, Chen brings swift and deadly retribution to the evildoers.

The Big Boss:
冰 廠老闆暗裡販毒,有工人發現,即被滅口。許挺身而出追查,亦一去不回,工人見許遇害,憤然罷工。廠方派打手迫他們復工,鄭本來牢記母親叮嚀不可打架生事, 但在緊急關頭終於出手救了工人。廠方改變策略,欲以昇職和為其召妓收買鄭。工人誤會鄭,祗許劍妹巧梅相信他本性善良。鄭從妓女口中知道冰廠老闆真面目,便 獨自回廠調查以冰運毒的秘密,老闆之子欲殺鄭滅口,反被鄭打死。鄭返許家,驚見一家人被殺,他立即往找冰廠老闆算賬.......

Cheng Chao-an, a Chinese young man, hopes to start life anew in Bangkok, where he works in an ice factory. The factory is an underground boss operating a huge chain of vice dens. One day, several fellow workers notice that secret deeds, and disappear. Cheng springs to the workers' defence, then Cheng to the post of foreman. He is soon informed of the rough treatment a worker received inside a local casino. The man has been cheated and beaten up. Cheng rushes to the scene. He finds out the man being held responsible is no body but Hsa, who also runs the casino. Undecided on which side he shoud take, Cheng sends the workers home. This results in his being misunderstood by his friends. including his sweetheart Lin Hau- mei...

Game Of Death:
《死亡遊戲》是李小龍的遺作(他於拍攝期間不幸去世)。李小龍飾演功夫明星盧比利,因拒絕和 一個專門收買藝人的犯罪組織合作,在片場被鎗擊並中彈受傷。盧決定將計就計,乘機佯死,暗裡調查這組織的底細,引發連串精彩劇情。本片雖受李小龍猝死而影 響拍攝,但卻無損其功夫片之殿堂地位。其中一幕李小龍連環大戰多個高手,最後闖至塔頂與犯罪頭子生死決戰,尤為經典;而他與雙節棍王伊魯山度對決的一幕, 更令人深深感到李小龍劃時代的風采.

Bruce Lee's last screen work (he died during the production), "Game Of Death" is a film that mystifies the man and the legend. Lee plays Billy Lo, a successful movie star, who is shot for refusing to join an international management syndicate. He fakes his own death as an opportunity to pursue the gang in secret. Although the death of Lee inevitably affected the final production of the film, it still contains some of the most unforgettable sequences in the history of cinema. The climax, in which Lee combats different masters of martial arts on each floor as he climbs his way to the top of a pagoda, is a perfect example. And the unique nunchaku battle with Danny Inasanto proves that Lee was years ahead of his time.

The Way Of The Dragon:

Tang Lung arrives in Rome to help his cousins in the restaurant business. They are being pressured to sell their property to the syndicate, who will stop at nothing to get what they want. When Tang arrives he poses a new threat to the syndicate, and they are unable to defeat him. The syndicate boss hires the best Japanese and European martial artists to fight Tang, but he easily finishes them off. The American martial artist Colt is hired and has a showdown with Tang in Rome's famous Colosseum.

精武門 Fist of Fury:
語言: 國/粵語對白
字幕: 中文(繁/簡體)/英文字幕
Language: Cantonese & Mandarin
Subtitles : Chinese (Traditional/Simplified) & English

唐山大兄 The Big Boss:
字幕: 中文(繁/簡體)/英文字幕
Language: Cantonese & Mandarin
Subtitles : Chinese (Traditional/Simplified) & English

猛龍過江 The Way Of The Dragon:
字幕: 中文(繁/簡體)/英文字幕
Language: Cantonese & Mandarin
Subtitles : Chinese (Traditional/Simplified) & English

死亡遊戲 Game Of Death:
字幕: 中文(繁/簡體)/英文字幕
Language: English
Subtitles : Chinese (Traditional/Simplified) & English

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