DC Supervillains: Justice League

Version: Hong Kong
DVD Region 3
USD 0.00

Product Languages

Language  Portuguese, Spanish, English, Thai
Subtitles  English, Thai, Chinese (Traditional), French

Product Features

  • No. of Disc: 2

Item Description

搗亂一向是他們的業務,生意還挺不錯呢!有誰敢與他們對抗?準備就緒,置身全新一輯兩碟裝的DC漫畫電影中,與一班絕頂棘手、詭詐、膽大包天的超級惡徒見 面!一切源自犯罪天才雷克斯路瑟和冷酷無情的外星人造人魔神腦及大猩猩葛洛德,惡行昭彰固然是令人髮止,而這更奠定了這幫極惡之徒與正義聯盟正面交鋒的命 運!
正義聯盟薈萃最強英雄人物—超人、蝙蝠俠、神奇女俠、綠燈俠等,與末日軍團決一死戰!另一方面,雷克斯路瑟更密謀籌劃向正義聯盟發動技術恐襲,這更讓危機 凶險四伏,一班超級英雄面臨前所未有的威脅!現在就與你摯愛的家人一起欣賞13集精彩動畫,攜手站到正義聯盟的一方,為一班英雄吶喊歡呼!

Chaos is their business, and business is good! Get ready to meet the most dangerous, daring and tricky villains of DC Comics in this all-new 2-disc collection. From criminal mastermind Lex Luthor and relentless alien android Brainiac to brutish menace Gorilla Grodd, these baddies are bringing the fight to the Justice League! Slug it out alongside Superman, Batman and Wonder Woman as they battle the super-villain ranks of the Legion of Doom in Dead Reckoning. Danger looms in Tabula Rasa as Lex Luthor plans to unleash a technological terror upon the Justice League. What kind of foe beckons the combined might of the Justice League and the Green Lantern Corps? Find out in the death-defying episode Hearts and Minds. It's time to take a stand for justice with these 13 exhilarating episodes the whole family will cheer for!

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