
Compatible with PlayStation 2™ (PS2™)

For JPN/Asian systems only.
Version: Japan
USD 0.00

Item Description

Espgaluda is a classical 2D horizontal scrolling arcade shooter developed by Cave.The game comes with a DVD called Special DVD with Super-A Class Player, which features a collection of illustration, gallery and strategy guide videos.現在もゲームセンターで大人気稼働中の「エスプガルーダ」が早くも完全移植版として"PlayStation 2"に登場!"PlayStation 2"版のオリジナル要素として、シミュレーションモードやギャラリー、アリカとケイブが共同開発し全く新しい切り口でシリーズのファンも納得のアレ  ンジモード等を追加。また、「怒首領蜂 大往生」の時に大好評を頂いたスペシャルDVDを今回も完全同梱しました。

Customer reviews

Average rating:  (5 out of 5)
Total votes: 17

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The State-of-the-art in home console shoot 'em up ports. Sublime
Espgaluda is one those games whose reputation precedes it and, yes, it is well deserved especially this feature-packed and amazing, amazing PS2 port.

And for those not amongst the hardcore shootergentsia, Espgaluda is probably the easiest of Cave's modern bullet hell shooters and serves as a perfect introduction before tackling hellraisers like Ibara, Dodonpachi, Ketsui and the like...

Simply put, if this ever appears in stock again, get it.
No questions, no hesitation. Just get it !!!
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This game is awesome. A great shooter to start off with if you are new to bullet hell shooters as well. It's becoming quite rare, so pick it up while you still can!
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Hardcore Shmup
Bullet Hell on your TV , Extreme Shooting from "Cave"
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in short
this game is just so much fun.
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A New Feel!
Some sort of sequel to espgaluda but happened before 2018.

This shooter definitely brings out a new feeling. It's really different comparing it to basic shooters. Introducing the wonderful Kakusei or Awakened Mode.
The Kakusei mode just helps anyone no matter his or her experience! An expert would probably use it for points and a beginner, like me, would probably use it for safely going through each levels (well, sometimes, experts still use this technique.)
Also, in Kakusei mode, when you get hit, you use your bomb energy or whatever you call it, as long as you have it, to save yourself from the bullets.
Very versatile and very nice!

Other than that, I can't forget to tell how wonderful the soundtrack is! Fits in very good! Also, the graphics are pretty good... very good, actually.

It may seem expensive but it's worth it!
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