Mad Max: Fury Road: Black & Chrome Edition (2-Disc)

Version: Hong Kong
Blu-ray Region A
USD 0.00

Product Languages

Language  English, Russian, Czech, Hungarian, Polish, Thai
Subtitles  English, Thai, Korean, Chinese (Traditional), Croatian, Czech, Russian, Turkish

Product Features

  • 1080p

Item Description

後末日電影《開路先鋒》系列導演佐治米勒重出江湖,全新作品重啟瘋狂公路戰!麥斯 (湯哈迪 飾) 經歷過去的慘痛往事,認為獨自流浪是最佳的生存之道。儘管如此,他仍然被一群以指揮官芙莉歐莎(查理絲花朗 飾) 為首的飛車難民堵上了。他們逃出惡行昭彰的獨裁軍閥強權管治下的避難所,並偷走了他的寶物。麥斯與逃黨們前無去路、後有追兵,烽煙四起的公路追擊戰一觸即發!

- 全新收錄 佐治米勒情有獨鍾的黑白影像
- 末日激鬥戰‧狂怒至極
- 戰甲飛車之誕生
- 公路鬥士‧麥斯與芙莉歐莎
- 幕後製作花絮
- 不死老喬五嬌妻訪談
- 憤怒道之打造
- 刪剪片段

Director George Miller, originator of the post-apocalyptic genre and mastermind behind the legendary Mad Max franchise, returns to the world of the Road Warrior. Haunted by his turbulent past, Max Rockatansky (Tom Hardy) wanders alone until he's swept up with a group, led by Imperator Furiosa (Charlize Theron), fleeing across the Wasteland. In hot pursuit: a warlord who gathers his gangs and pursues the rebels ruthlessly, leading to a high-octane road war.

Special Feature :
- All-New Introduction to Black & Chrome Edition by George Miller
- Maximum Fury: Filming Fury Road
- Mad Max: Fury on Four Wheels
- The Road Warriors: Max and Furiosa
- The Tools of the Wasteland
- The Five Wives
- Fury Road: Crash & Smash
- Deleted Scenes

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