Version: Hong Kong
DVD Region 3
USD 0.00

Product Languages

Language  English
Subtitles  English, Chinese (Traditional)

Item Description

反恐問題一直困擾全球各國,當中近年法國就發生數宗震驚世界的恐怖襲擊,包括《查理周刊》被血洗、2015年巴黎連環恐襲、今年7月國慶日尼斯恐襲,以及 是諾曼第教堂神父被殺事件,令當地反恐部門疲於奔命,而《反恐局中局》的設定就是巴黎在國慶日前夕發生致命炸彈襲擊,當局鎖定一名扒手米高文遜 (理察麥登,Richard Madden飾)並展開追捕,另一方面美國中情局特工桑拜亞(艾迪斯艾巴,Idris Elba飾)介入調查時卻發現事件背後有一股黑幕正在蔓延,結果他和米高成為意想不到的組合,亡命之餘同時要找出真兇…

《反恐局中局》為一套懸疑動作片,由賣座恐怖片《黑衣凶靈》導演占士華堅斯操刀,並由《復仇者聯盟:奧創紀元》、《曼德拉:自由之路》金球男星艾迪斯艾巴 夥拍《權力遊戲》蘇格蘭男星理察麥登聯合擔正,並由《米芝蓮摘星奇緣》女星夏洛蒂勒邦及《機密真相》嘉麗拉莉 Kelly Reilly等人參演,為觀眾帶來不一樣的法國國慶日。

Michael Mason (Richard Madden, 'GAME OF THRONES') is an American pickpocket living in Paris who finds himself hunted by the CIA when he steals a bag that contains more than just a wallet. Sean Briar (Idris Elba, 'LUTHER', 'PROMETHEUS'), the field agent on the case, soon realizes that Michael is just a pawn in a much bigger game and is also his best asset to uncover a large-scale conspiracy.

Going against commands, Briar recruits Michael to use his expert pickpocketing skills to help quickly track down the source of the corruption. As a 24hr drill ride ensures, the unlikely duo discover they are both targets and must rely upon each other in order to take down a common enemy.

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