Warhammer: Chaosbane for PS4 & XB1 – Veni, Vidi, Vici!

Warhammer: Chaosbane

PlayStation®4, Xbox™One Ι Genre: Warhammer Action-RPG

Rick Priestley, Bryan Ansell & Richard Halliwell; if you’re a wargames’ player you’ll surely know these names for sure. But if not, let us enlight the yellow brick road towards the realm of pop-culture. These British game designers are globally renowned for one of the biggest successes from more than 30 years: Warhammer!
Created back in 1983 by Games Workshop; this fantasy-themed wargame is strongly inspired by the opuses of Michael Moorcock and J.R.R. Tolkien; set in the dark Old World, a place always at war where magic is extensively used, in here dozens of races of wizard and warriors struggle widely to prevent the advent of the Realm of Chaos. Built by four evil ancient gods: Khorne, Tzeentch, Nurgle, and Slaanesh; this parallel plane of reality is inhabited by numerous bloodthirsty and savage creatures like Skaven, Beastmen, and obviously the violent and primitive Orcs. To stop the advance of these threating hordes; Men, Elves, and Dwarves join their forces to contain the invasion as much as they can. Acquiring even more popularity through the years; Warhammer is now renowned not only as a wargame but also as an actual brand which includes apparel, novels, mobile apps, and video games!

The first interactive incarnation of the series was Warhammer: Shadow of the Horned Rat for PlayStation and PC; released in 1995, in this compelling strategy game, the player command the mercenary army known as Grudgebringers in a desperate mission against the Skaven sorcerer Thanquol, and his attempt to summon the Chaos entity called Horned Rat.
Since then, more than 15 chapters have been released, and due to them a large number of casual players could delve deeply into the fascinating world of Warhammer; all of them revealed darkest secrets of the Old World keeping a large amount of warring style. The Realm of Chaos is ready to launch a new attack from today; don’t waste your time! Sharpen the weapons, and prepare to face the new battles of Warhammer: Chaosbane for PS4, and XB1!

These wicked beings know their time is running out, and all of them will fight fiercely as never before.
Featuring very immersive action-RPG mechanics; this is absolutely a title that makes no exceptions. You’ll get hammered and we’re sure that you’ll have a very good time in the company of imperial soldiers, elf mages, dwarf slayers, and obviously…orcs! Battle far and wide, summon huge armies, cast spells and say your prayers to perform rituals that can change the delicate balance of the world forever. This legendary new chapter includes brand new amazing stories, heroes, monsters, war-styles, and lots of new powerful abilities.
Get Warhammer: Chaosbane for PS4, and XB1, you’ll be called to shoe everyone the darkest side of your personality; remember the path to glory shine upon you…

Learn the fine art of warfare while you wander in a gritty world filled with ground-devastating epic battles, impressive landscapes, towering mountains, wide forests, dark dungeons, a multitude of armies and heroes, and above all a perfect battle system!
Experience all the brutality of the Old World’s conflicts through 
Warhammer: Chaosbane for PS4, and XB1. In here you can meet & greet legendary heroes, giant monsters, flying creatures, storms of magical powered beings, and much more digitally or physically; this is not the time to play softly…win for the Empire!

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