Pokemon Sword and Shield Final Trailer Revealed Two New Pokemon!

Pokemon, news, update, new trailer, release date, gameplay, features, price, Nintendo Switch, Switch, Nintendo, pre-order, Pokemon Sword, Pokemon Shield, Pokemon Sword & Shield, Pokemon Sword and Shield

Pokemon Sword and Shield

Nintendo™ Switch – US, EU & Japan

Pokemon Sword and Shield have gotten a new Japanese trailer ahead of its approaching release this November 15th for the Nintendo Switch system. And to intensify the hype for this game, The Pokemon Company gave us a glimpse of two new unannounced monsters in the trailer coming to the Galar region.

The two new Pokemon can be seen at the following timestamps (0:23 & 0:48) and in the screenshots below for a better look. (Thanks, Serebii)

As of the moment, The Pokemon Company hasn’t announced any information for the two new Pokemon yet. Even their names or typing are unknown at present. While no news has been revealed, we’re sure that we’ll get to learn more about these two new Pokemon before the game’s release.

Aside from that, the trailer also serves as a recap for the new features and almost everything that we can expect coming to the upcoming Pokemon Sword and Shield adventure game.



Pokemon Sword & Shield, Pokemon, Pokemon Sword and Shield, news, update, new trailer, release date, gameplay, features, price, Nintendo Switch, Switch, Pokemon Sword, Pokemon Shield, Nintendo, pre-order, A new era of Pokemon begins

Will you be picking up Pokemon Sword and Shield when it launches on November 15th for the Nintendo Switch? Get both games individually here on our website. Tap the button below to secure yours.

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ALSO, if you want to pick up both games, you can grab the Pokemon Sword / Shield Dual Pack here on our website. You know the drill.

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In case you missed it, Nintendo unveiled a neat promotional video of Pokemon Sword and Shield. This time, it’s not a gameplay trailer, rather, it’s more of a celebration of the long history of the Pokemon series. The video is filled with both nostalgia and fresh content that newcomers and the series’ long-time fans will surely admire. 

“Whether you started your journey on Game Boy, Nintendo Switch, or anything in between, a new era of Pokémon awaits for everyone.” – Nintendo

Are you ready for the next Pokemon adventure? Enjoy the video below!


Game Overview

Pokemon Sword and Shield will feature massive stadiums for battles to take place and new Pokemon characters such as Wooloo the sheep, Gossifleur the cute little flower, Corviknight the flying taxi, and Drednaw the snapping turtle. It was also revealed in the special Pokemon Direct that a pair of legendary monsters will also be joining the game — Zacian and Zamazenta. In fact, these two are the characters designed around the theme of the sword and shield game.

Moreover, one of the core elements in the game is the Dynamax feature. It is a temporary transformation that can be activated in a given battle as a move. Using the Dynamax will allow your Pokemon to grow as giants with maximized power.

Furthermore, you can call up to three of your friends and play together in the multiplayer mode where up to four players can team up to defeat one of the massive creatures in the game.

Enjoy the trailer, features, and exciting screenshots for Pokemon Sword and Shield below.



  • Catch, battle, and trade Pokémon on an all-new adventure in the Galar region
  • Choose from three new partner Pokémon and encounter never-before-seen Pokémon
  • Unravel the mystery behind the Legendary Pokémon Zacian and Zamazenta!
  • Players can control the camera in the vast Wild Area
  • Team up with other Trainers to participate in Max Raid Battles
  • Battle wild Dynamax Pokémon in Max Raid Battles and try catching them


Pokemon Sword & Shield, Pokemon, Pokemon Sword and Shield, news, update, new trailer, release date, gameplay, features, price, Nintendo Switch, Switch, Pokemon Sword, Pokemon Shield, Nintendo, pre-order, A new era of Pokemon begins

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Read more about the game >HERE<

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