Tagged: Bloodborne

FromSoftware Artbooks… for your eyes only!

Established on November 1st, 1986, FromSoftware is one of the most outsider and interesting developing companies on the planet. Founded by Jin Naotoshi, initially, the company developed business software for PC to help other...


埋黎睇埋黎揀!買喇喂喂喂!有哥斯拉, 龍珠超, Final Fantasy既精品!又抵又靚又正!手快有 手慢咩都冇!預訂截止日期係10月2號, 大約11 12月到貨!仲等咩啊?快D入黎呢個網址搶購啦! 係網上訂購完,可以揀係Playasia Store拎貨 Detroit: Become Human – RK800 Jersey  (JPN) US$ 139.99 pre One Punch Man – Saitama Double-sided Full Graphic T-shirt  (JPN) US$ 47.99 pre One Punch Man –...

亞洲PS4「PlayStation Hits」系列7月26日上市!

「PlayStation Hits」為精選全世界暢銷的PS4遊戲,並以優惠價格提供給玩家的系列,遊戲包裝上半部以紅色標示,將於2018年7月26日(四)推出第一彈,共17款廣受好評的PlayStation 4遊戲。