Tagged: Gintama

Gintama Rumble: towards the legend on PS4 and PSVita!

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0LM9x5fj6to&rel=0 Gintama Rumble PlayStation®4, PlayStation®Vita Ι Genre: Hyper Samurai Action Created by Hideaki Sorachi, and appeared on December 8, 2003, on the Japanese magazine Weekly Shōnen Jump, Gintama is still today one of the most...


這篇文章集結2018年1月發售的中文版遊戲,《魔物獵人 世界》《最終幻想 紛爭NT》《信長之野望 大志》《七龍珠 FighterZ》等大作雲集!