Poncotsu Roman Daikatsugeki Bumpy Trot (Irem Collection)

Compatible with PlayStation 2™ (PS2™)

For JPN/Asian systems only.
Version: Japan
USD 0.00
Poncotsu Roman Daikatsugeki Bumpy Trot (Irem Collection)_
Poncotsu Roman Daikatsugeki Bumpy Trot (Irem Collection)_
Poncotsu Roman Daikatsugeki Bumpy Trot (Irem Collection)_
Poncotsu Roman Daikatsugeki Bumpy Trot (Irem Collection)_
Poncotsu Roman Daikatsugeki Bumpy Trot (Irem Collection)_
Poncotsu Roman Daikatsugeki Bumpy Trot (Irem Collection)_
Poncotsu Roman Daikatsugeki Bumpy Trot (Irem Collection)_
Poncotsu Roman Daikatsugeki Bumpy Trot (Irem Collection)_

Product Features

  • This is a used item. If not otherwise mentioned below, spine card is included for titles that originally came with spine cards.

Item Description

Poncotsu Roman Daikatsugeki Bumpy Trot is set in an industrial world where automobiles have just started to become popular. One of the recent inventions rising from the industrialization is a multi functional two-legged mech robot that can be used for all kind of tasks, including transportation, repair works, farming and even battle.You play as a young 17-year old buy, called Vanilla Beans who has lost his memory after being a victim of a shipwreck. By using and customizing your own Trot vehicle, you explore the world you have been stranded into trying to discover back your identity.Your Trot can be powered up and customized during the game, learning new skills and so on. Bumpy Trot however is no mechwarrior game, but more an adventure RPG mix with a deep storyline, lots of voice acting, charming characters and a great amount of freedom.お求めやすいベスト版で登場!自動車と同じ時代に発明された二足歩行の乗り物「トロットビークル」。ノスタルジックなこの世界を主人公はトロットビークルに乗り、失った記憶を探し求め歩を進める。激動する時代の流れに翻弄される人々と関わり合い、盗賊団と戦い、仕事を請負い生きていく。選択肢はいろいろ!生活感のある舞台で自分の意志を反映しながら進めるストーリー。後ろを振り向かずひたすら前を向いて進め!

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