Version: Hong Kong
DVD Region 3
USD 0.00

Product Languages

Language  English
Subtitles  Chinese, English

Product Features

  • No. of Disc: 3

Item Description

故事始於此系列兩位主角─查理及艾力的非凡角力。分別成為「X博士」和「磁力王」之前,他們曾是生死與共、互相扶持的好兄弟,更不約而同因發現擁有可以改 變世界的獨特異能而成立變種人兵團,立心攜維護世界和平﹗可是誘人的權力、相互價值觀的分岐,再加上接二連三的殘酷現實,狠狠打擊著查理及艾力的信念,就 連二人堅實的友誼也受到莫大考驗,最終裂痕擴大至永不磨滅,更成火爆衝突勢不兩立,引致天下大亂! 最後,隨著查理、艾力的變種人兵團產生叛變,正邪勢力最終成型,加上幕後魔頭驚世現形,異能第一戰一觸即發!

美國政府在1970年代批准了研發專門對付變種人的「煞天怒」機械人;50年後,在距今不久的將來,變種人已幾近滅絕,而「煞天怒」更開始屠殺人類!碩果 僅存的一班變種特攻面對「煞天怒」大軍的強勢攻擊,已是面臨絕境。眼見末日在即,X博士與磁力王決定把狼人盧根的意識傳送回50年前,讓他結合兩代變種特 攻,阻止「煞天怒」計劃的通過,有史以來最浩瀚和強勁的戰鬥就此展開!究竟他們如何改變歷史,去拯救未來的變種族群及人類?

自人類文明以來,「天啟」廣為世人當作天神膜拜,他擅長汲取變種人的異能,令自己永生不死無人能敵!經歷數千年後,他再度甦醒,集結多位各懷絕技的變種 人,攜手整頓天下,創造一套由他統治的新世界秩序。地球面臨空前危機,X教授率領一眾英勇年輕的變種特攻,力抗這位意圖橫空滅世的公敵,扭轉人類遭受殲滅 的命運!

《變種特攻 : 異能第一戰》
- 刪剪片段

- 絕密爆笑片段
- 相片集
- 預告片

- 導演及編劇幕後講評
- 蝦碌鏡頭
- 相片集

《X-Men: First Class》
See how it all began in this thrilling first chapter of the X-MEN saga. Before Charles Xavier and Erik Lehnsherr became Professor X and Magneto, they were two young men discovering their powers for the first time. Before they were enemies, they were the closest of friends and gathered an elite team of mutants to form the X-Men in an attempt to prevent World War III!

《X-Men: Days of Future Past》
An all-star cast, including Hugh Jackman, Michael Fassbender, James McAvoy, Halle Berry, Jennifer Lawrence, Ellen Page, Ian McKellen and Patrick Stewart, assembles for battle in this mind-blowing adventure. As armies of murderous Sentinel robots hunt down mutants and humans alike, the unstoppable characters from the original X-Men trilogy join forces with their younger selves in an epic struggle to change the past and save our future.

《X-Men: Apocalypse》
OSCAR Winner Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy lead a powerhouse cast in director Bryan Singer's extraordinary follow-up to X-Men: Days of Future Past. After thousands of years, Apocalypse, the world's first and most powerful mutant, has awakened to find a world led by humans. Intent on cleansing the Earth of mankind, he recruits a group of mutants to create a new world order. In a desperate race to save humanity, Professor X (McAvoy) leads the young X-Men in an epic showdown - against an unstoppable enemy - that will determine the fate of the world.

Special Feature :
《X-Men: First Class》
- Deleted Scenes
- Children of the Atom

《X-Men: Days of Future Past》
-Gag Reel
-Gallery: Trask Industries
-Theatrical Trailers

《X-Men: Apocalypse》
- Audio Commentary by Bryan Singer and Simon Kinberg
- Gag Reel
- Gallery

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