Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk for Switch & PS4 will aMAZE you!

Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk

Nintendo Switch, PlayStation®4 Ι Genre: Bestiary RPG

Originated in the ancient world the bestiary is a specific genre of illustrated books that describe various specimens of animals and mythical creatures. The popularity of this kind of treaties grown hugely during the Middle-Ages and in order to educate the (few) people who can read to the Christianity they contained some moral and allegorical texts which the main objective was to communicate edifying material in an appealing and accessible manner. Popular throughout all the world; the most beautiful examples of bestiaries can be easily found in websites such as the British Library Turning the Pages along with a big number of many other important opuses from different ages.

Even in ancient China, the book known as the “Classic of Mountains and Seas” (山海经) was considered a sort of bestiary that described in detail what could be found both inside and outside the country. Anyway, it hasn’t any moral objective; indeed all the creatures are presented with a naturalistic approach making it one of the first travel guides ever appeared in the world, and a very important repository of pre-Qin dynasty mythology.

Nowadays the bestiaries are often inserted in almost all the RPGs. For example, if you’ve played with any of Final Fantasy or Persona episodes you’ve surely consulted them to learn the weak point of a certain monster or how to create new supernatural helpers. In addition series like Pokémon, Digimon or Monster Hunter are the best examples of interactive bestiaries that let you explore their worlds far and wide to discover even new creatures that can be used at your leisure.

But what if you play as a living book of creatures? Well, discover it with Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk for Switch and PS4! In the far far away world of Tanis, there’s a small town called Refrain. Under it an ancient labyrinth lies since time immemorial; people have created many legends on it fantasizing on huge hidden treasures and man-eating monsters. But the reality is only one…nobody knows what’s inside. This is why the beautiful dusk witch Dronya aided by her young apprentice Luca, and the mythical Tractatus de Monstrum is determined to explore it and bring to light even its most hidden secrets.

Containing the soul of the only man who survived the labyrinth; you as Tractatus de Monstrum possess all the needed magical skills to go deeper underground without any fear. Create your own army of puppet soldiers, learn brand new spells, unveil insanely powerful weapons, and help that magical duo to conceive the best strategies taking note of all the creatures you will face in the labyrinth. Level-up, and you can also use its inner soul to create new types of soldiers; customizing their appearance, their skills, their nature, and even the way how they can grow. Dragons, unicorns, basilisks, and much more lurking in the shadow…don’t get caught unprepared.

As living book; in Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk for Switch and PS4 you can count on thousands of useful information and hints that will give a unique insight into the labyrinth, and into the town of Refrain. Thanks to its unconventional gameplay system, its lively art-style, and not least its illuminating story; this is a new kind of game in the crowded universe of the JRPG genre. Fabulous animals, specters from the other side, nature spirits, and never-seen-before threating beings are just waiting for you. Unleash the power of your soul while you chronicle the progress of Dronya and Luca in your blank pages.

Providing a powerful combination of wit, crypto natural history, and magical knowledge; Labyrinth of Refrain: Coven of Dusk for Switch and PS4 is a wonderful game arranged as an adventurous digital bestiary.
Join the party of these charming anti-heroes and prepare for the new weirdest journey in your life both digitally and physically!

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