Version: Hong Kong
DVD Region 3
USD 0.00

Product Languages

Sprache  Mandarin, Cantonese
Untertitel  Chinese, English
Keeper Of Darkness [DVD]
Keeper Of Darkness [DVD]
Keeper Of Darkness [DVD]

Item Description

黃永發(張家輝飾)是旺角驅魔大師,專為江湖兄弟拆 解超自然靈異現象,有一次他的驅鬼實況被助手阿蔥(張繼 聰飾)拍下放上網,引來狗仔隊紫寧(蔡思貝飾)的人肉搜 查,竟發現發仔與女鬼江雪(郭釆潔飾)同居!冤家易解不 易結,惡鬼黑哥(釋彥能 飾)向所有靈媒宣戰,找發仔搵 出當年的真兇,江雪則要找人投胎,人鬼殊途同歸,生前身 後的怨氣如何化解?

Director and main protagonist Nick Cheung Ka-fai plays Fatt, a white haired exorcist on a bicycle who has the ability to communicate with ghosts and roams the streets of Hong Kong to negotiate with malicious spirits. After a banishment of a particularly aggressive pair of vengeful deceased, he must travel through different dimensions to investigate the source of their grudges in order to stop their blood feud.

At times exorcism drama, at others gangster comedy, then suddenly zombie horror and occasionally supernatural romance, this effects-driven adventure is a romp of a genre mix. And it seems like more than just a few moviegoers were up for the (bicycle) ride because a sequel is already being produced.

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