Lost Odyssey Original Soundtrack

Version: Japan
Audio CD
USD 0.00

featured review

rkgambill (2) on 05, Mar. 2008 05:13 (HKT)

Absoutely incredible!
One of the best videogame soundtracks I've ever heard. Every tune is incredible, and I often find myself humming various songs even when not listening to the CD or playing the game. A must-have for fans of the game, as well as fans of game soundtracks in general.


track listing

1. 序章2. 戦場3. 戦いの火蓋4. とどめの一撃5. 不死の生6. ウォール高原7. 戦闘態勢8. 勝利9. ウーラの都10. 終わりなき旅路11. イプシロン山脈12. 悲しみのトルタン13. ガンガラの陰謀14. 敵出現!15. 氷の世界16. 戦火の進軍17. クライシス&ワーニング18. 白い母船19. Eclipse of Time(Harp Version)20. ヌマラ宮殿21. ヌマラの都22. 小さな思い出23. ケロロンの森24. 強敵出現!25. 永遠の別れ26. 帰ってくる、きっと…(Piano Version)27. フラッシュバック28. 侵入29. 希望の徴30. 海賊のテーマ31. ヨーソロー32. トスカ村33. 魔女の館34. 帰ってくる、きっと…(Vocal Version)/ FLIP FLAP35. 魔導機関の謎36. 脱出!37. 商人の街サマン38. ゴッツァの都39. 魔導の侵食40. 魔導に憑かれた男41. 決断42. 大雪原43. What You Are(Guitar Version)44. 魔獣との戦い45. 暗闇の放浪者46. 東方大廃墟47. 闇の聖者48. 大航海49. 次元の狭間50. 空間の歪み51. 亡魂咆哮52. セスのテーマ53. 祝福の光~手紙54. What You Are(Vocal Version)/ Sheena Easton55. メインテーマ56. Eclipse of Time(Vocal Version)/ Sheena Easton

Item Description

2007年末最大の超大作RPG「ロストオデッセイ」CD2枚組サントラ盤!「ファイナルファンタジー」の生みの親である坂口博信氏が制作総指揮をつとめ、キャラクターデザインには漫画家の井上雄彦氏、シナリオには作家の重松清氏、音楽には「ファイナルファンタジー」シリーズの楽曲を手がける植松伸夫氏ら、各業界一流のスタッフが垣根を越えて結集、誕生した新世代のRPG『ロストオデッセイ』。その世界観を彩る植松伸夫作曲による劇伴音楽の数々を、全56曲CD2枚に完全収録。1000 年を生き続ける死ねない宿命を背負った男、主人公カイムを中心に、ドラマチックなストーリーと圧倒的なスケール感、そして壮麗なビジュアルがプレイヤーを圧倒します。

Customer reviews

Average rating:  (4.5 out of 5)
Total votes: 11

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Uematsu at his very best
After 20 years of composing Video Game music, Nobuo uematsu reach its apotheosis with Lost Odyssey. This soundtrack is absolutly beautiful, and its main theme is simply one of the best piece of music ever made. Must buy if you enjoy Uematsu's work !
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I've never bought a Uematsu OST, not because I didn't like them but because there wasn't in my opinion any OST where all the tracks were beautiful equally, but this one is the exception. If you've played the game, I don't need to say much more, but if you haven't, I can't recommend this OST and game enough!
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This is a fine set of musical scores, few of which are lackluster, nearly all fully capable of bringing the listener to the frame of mind the composer set out for and a fair number of which are quite excellent. What is also a very nice touch is that even though it sports over fifty tracks you don't see more that three of which being under a minute long, unlike a few other game soundtracks out there. And, to its credit, the album itself covers a wide range of moods, and nails them quite well, offering more longevity than what one might expect.

It only has two real faults as an album: are that the tracks which are meant to be set to an indefinite loop (i.e. the song used in game when selecting areas to move to) diminish in volume just as early as the rest (at ten seconds to the end of the song it starts the diminish, by five it is silence--even on the three compositions lasting less than a minute), which goes against their purpose; and, secondly, that the transitions in mood between individual songs is highly erratic and leaves the listener wondering whether or not many of these individually good to great songs weren't just slotted at random. And, as one could imagine, both slights are just that, with one being completely circumventable if one puts it into another device besides a common CD player to listen to it off of.
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Nobuo Uematsu does it again!
The Lost Odyssey soundtrack is another great soundtrack from Final Fantasy composer Nobuo Uematsu. It is hard to accurately describe the sound. After listening to previews, I'm sure you will agree that this is a must have soundtrack for Uematsu fans and lovers of beautiful music.
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A very well composed set instrumentals
It has a very diverse, mostly instrumental track as you'd expect from a game ost. Many of the songs are either very catch or packed full of one emotion or another. You can definitely tell the artist put his heart into it. Not a bad buy for 40 dollars . My recommended songs to sample with the prefix of " Lost Odyssey ost " on youtube are :

" Parting Forever "
" Battle Conditions "
" Never Ending Journey "
" Epsylon Range "

This should give you a good idea of the kind of music thats on this CD. Hope you enjoy it.
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