2001: A Space Odyssey (4K UHD+BD) (3-Disc)

Version: Hong Kong
Blu-ray Region A
USD 0.00

Product Languages

Language  English, Portuguese, Spanish, French
Subtitles  Chinese (Traditional), Chinese (Simplified), English, Thai, Korean, Turkish

Product Features

  • 2160p

Item Description

<2001太空漫遊>是跨進未來的倒數,也是通往人類宿命的路線圖,並引領觀眾探索宇宙無限。這部耀目生輝、贏得金像獎映象成就榮譽的劇情片,刻劃人類與機器比併的筆觸,將音樂與動作美妙結合,引人入勝。此片誠許是鬼才導演史丹利寇比力克的驕人傑作(他與亞瑟克拉克聯合編劇)…並勢將令好幾個世代的觀眾興奮、戀慕與併發奇想。 在開始未來旅程之前,寇比力克先引領我們重溫人類史前遠祖猩猩的世代,然後一躍百萬春秋(利用史無前例的其中一種最匪夷所思的跳剪手法),跨進太空殖民紀元,最終並將太空人布曼(基雅杜利亞飾)飛閃入太空蠻荒領域,或許甚至將他送到永生之門。 隨著一句:「打開太空艙門吧,希爾。」就讓這個令人肅然起敬、空前絕後的旅程開始吧。

Blu-ray 特別收錄:
- 製作班底聲音講評
- 珍貴紀錄片
- 科幻經典的製作花絮
- 預告片重溫

"2001" is a story of evolution. Sometime in the distant past, someone or something nudged evolution by placing a monolith on Earth (presumably elsewhere throughout the universe as well). Evolution then enabled humankind to reach the moon's surface, where yet another monolith is found, one that signals the monolith placers that humankind has evolved that far. Now a race begins between computers (HAL) and human (Bowman) to reach the monolith placers. The winner will achieve the next step in evolution, whatever that may be.

Blu-ray Special Feature:
- Commentary by Keir Dullea and Gary Lockwood
- Channel Four Documentary 2001
- 4 Insightful Featurettes
- 2001: FX and Early Conceptual Artwork
- Look: Stanley Kubrick!
- Audio-Only Bonus
- Theatrical Trailer

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