86 - Eighty Six Ep.12 Holy Blue Bullet [Light Novel]

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Language  Japanese
86 - Eighty Six Ep.12 Holy Blue Bullet [Light Novel]
86 - Eighty Six Ep.12 Holy Blue Bullet [Light Novel]
86 - Eighty Six Ep.12 Holy Blue Bullet [Light Novel]
86 - Eighty Six Ep.12 Holy Blue Bullet [Light Novel]

Item Description

Who is the bullet aimed at? The long-awaited 12 volumes of the super popular anime adaptation!

An evacuation operation for the people of the Republic that cost a great deal to the Commonwealth as well. The tragic rout had a great psychological impact not only on Shin and Eightysix, but also on Rena, who commanded the front line, and Frederica, who was unable to participate in the operation.
Shin thinks.. What is the ideal state of a general? Rena thinks about her homeland, which has burned down and can never be regained. Krena, Anju, and Raiden. And Frederica is troubled by her powerlessness as the "key" and the final empress. In order to survive, you can't stay stupid...

On the other hand, within the Federation territory, dissatisfaction erupted not only against the Republic, but also against the upper echelons of the Federal government and Eighty Six. Unable to endure the deterioration of the war situation, some of the defecting troops believe that the situation will be revived, and finally try to cling to the forbidden move... even though there is no such thing as a miracle anywhere.

Ep.12 "Holy Blue Bullet"
"The poor little ones don't even know that the blue, noble, and ugly bullets are quietly attacking their hearts."


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