Amnesia [Limited Edition]

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Version: Japan
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Amnesia [Limited Edition]_
Amnesia [Limited Edition]_
Amnesia [Limited Edition]_
Amnesia [Limited Edition]_
Amnesia [Limited Edition]_
Amnesia [Limited Edition]_
Amnesia [Limited Edition]_
Amnesia [Limited Edition]_

Item Description

Your life restart on 1st of August. You lost your memories the moment you opened your eyes that morning. You have no idea where you are, who your friends are and what causes your memory loss. Luckily, there is a fairy guide coming to your aid, Orion will help you ease back into your daily life, but things are not quite so simple when your boyfriend has no idea that you don't remember him. Players choose their love interest from the very start of the game, relationships change with every choice you make. Someone might become your friend while some could become your foe. But no matter how many enemies you make, you must never let your chosen one know that you don't remember him. 記憶の奥底に眠る想い、目覚めの時は今——。主人公はある日突然、それまでの記憶をほぼ全て失う。日常生活は滞りなく行えるが、それまでの人間関係、主人公自身の人格などはゼロ状態に。学生証が発見されたため、自分が大学生であることはわかるが、学校は夏休みに入っており主人公が記憶と人格を失っていることは、ほぼ誰にも、どこにも影響がない状態。ただし、主人公には恋人がおり、恋人とだけは頻繁に会うため、恋人との交流を通じて失った記憶と本来の現実を取り戻すため行動を開始する。主人公:自分の記憶(恋人への愛)を取り戻すこと。オリオン:主人公の記憶を取り戻し、主人公の心の中から開放されること。二人の目的と手段は同じです。ただし、自分が記憶喪失だということをバレないようにする必要があります。■ストーリーとある架空世界の、とある架空の国の、とある架空の街での物語。それは、8月1日のこと。朝、目覚めた主人公は、突如として8月1日以前の記憶を『全て』失ってしまっていた……。自分がどのような人生を送ってきたかも、周囲の人間関係もまっさら白紙の状態。そんな彼女の目の前に現れたのは、自身を『精霊』と名乗るオリオンという少年だった。オリオンの導きにより、記憶を取り戻すために奮闘することになる主人公。まずは自分の日常生活から探っていこうとした矢先、彼女のものであるらしい携帯電話が着信を告げる。——液晶画面に表示されたのは、やはり『知らない』名前だった——名前も顔も知らない、主人公の『恋人』であるらしい『彼』との出会い。ある事情から他人に記憶喪失を悟られてはいけない主人公。それにより物語は複雑に絡み合っていく。『彼』との思い出を持たない主人公は、この日から新たな恋物語を紡ぐことになる——。

Customer reviews

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Total votes: 3

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A nice dark otome game
A nice game recommended to buy if you like horror/dark stories. A very nice change from your usual school stories. But keep in mind that nonne of the guys you can go after have cute lovey dovey romance story. All of them are frightening in their way, and beside good end ( one for each character) you'll have to face different kind of awful ends ( your own death, murder etc )

If you're ready to face this, you'll love this game.

Main weak point of this game is, in my opinion, the very low replay value. Each char has a story of about 8h ( which is very satisfying ) but to get all the different endings, you'll have to replay again and again very same story with minor changes. Very annoying but necessary to unlock hidden character.
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a+ games
very good good game. first time the heroine is very very attractive. and all of 4 guys you can choose from is very hot. different story lines in each route. highly recommended
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Great Game!!!
Another Otomate's awsome otome game!!
Otomate's CG has always been great, and this one is no exceptiong. Every character has 30+CG and each and everyone of them are as beautiful as any CG you'll ever seen.
The story line is great too. You get to chose each to go after at the beginning. And there is no common story line. So every character has a complete different story.
Voice actor are all famous so there is no doubt of the voice acting.
In conclusion, this is one game you don't want to miss!
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