Ar tonelico II: Sekai ni Hibiku Shoujo Tachi no Souzoushi (PlayStation2 the Best)

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Ar tonelico II: Sekai ni Hibiku Shoujo Tachi no Souzoushi (PlayStation2 the Best)_
Ar tonelico II: Sekai ni Hibiku Shoujo Tachi no Souzoushi (PlayStation2 the Best)_
Ar tonelico II: Sekai ni Hibiku Shoujo Tachi no Souzoushi (PlayStation2 the Best)_
Ar tonelico II: Sekai ni Hibiku Shoujo Tachi no Souzoushi (PlayStation2 the Best)_
Ar tonelico II: Sekai ni Hibiku Shoujo Tachi no Souzoushi (PlayStation2 the Best)_
Ar tonelico II: Sekai ni Hibiku Shoujo Tachi no Souzoushi (PlayStation2 the Best)_

Item Description

人気を博した新感覚RPG「アルトネリコ2」がベスト版で登場!●戦闘システム【絆を高める「シンクロ二ティ・タイムバトル」】ヒロインを護り、心を合わせて強くなる独自の戦闘システムが極限までパワーアップ!2人のヒロインが協力して詠唱する合体詩魔法が抜群の爽快感で発動可能!【究極システム「レプレキア」】総勢100人に及ぶレーヴァテイル(強力な詩魔法を操れる希少種族)達を救い、全員で心を合わせて謳うことで、詩魔法がケタ違いの威力に増幅!しかもレーヴァテイル達は、それぞれに能力があり、その能力によってパーティをプレイヤー好みにカスタマイズできるので、やり込み要素が満載!●ムスメ調合! ヒロイン×ヒロインの絆も!「アルトネリコ」ならではのシステム「ダイブ(ヒロインの精神世界に入り、絆を深める)&トークマター(会話からの絆の深まり)」による主人公×ヒロインの絆の深まりに加え、ヒロイン×ヒロインの絆も深められる!これにより詩魔法が大幅にパワーアップ!

Customer reviews

Average rating:  (3.5 out of 5)
Total votes: 9

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Interesting Combat, good story
Ar tonelico II has the best combat system out of the 3 games in the series, and has very nice story to follow.
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Ar tonelico II: Sekai ni Hibiku Shoujo Tachi no Souzoushi (PlayStation2 the Best)
A very RPG title,
considering the 3rd just released on PS3,
maybe its a good time to get the first 2 on PS3 for revision,since the price is pretty much worth for it now.
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Great story and songs
Ar-tonelico serise is a unique game that focuses on dark-side of heroins mind, and this Ar-tonelico2 will show darker and uglier sides of heroins mind than 1. But because of that, it will tell you how relationship between peple is important. Really, really great story. I couldn't stop crying for a lot of scenes. And as usual for Ar-tonelico seriese, there are a lot of great songs that you can't miss!

Although, as Mr or Miss (Mrs?) gamescook mentioned, there are some problems too.
I don't understand why I had to let girls take bath to level up (well, it doesn't mean it's showing naked girls though).

If you are interested buying this game, and if you haven't played 1 yet, I strongly recommend to get 1 also because it has some connections with 1.

P.S. I love Cocona! She's sooo adorable lol
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This is, simply put, the most shallow and pedantic piece of garbage I have ever played. I suppose I grew up in the interim after playing the first, as this sequel was so disgusting that I simply had to stop playing shortly into it. It is insulting to one’s intelligence in that bath peeking is a means to level up, and, disturbingly, a twelve-year-old female character is billed as a love interest for the eighteen-year-old hero! If you don't buy this game you can be proud that you have some legitimate standards.
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The game takes place in a ruined world but is masive to explore best battle system ever and beautifly voiced character art and immersive story make it a must play.
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