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Language  English
Subtitles  Chinese (Traditional), English

Product Features

  • Trailer
  • Photo Gallery

Item Description

世上很多事情,都不是絕對的黑和白。尤其藝術的世界,理應色彩斑斕。 貝卓奇四十年來摹仿過往許多驚天動地的畫家,天價賣出了三百幅失傳或虛構的仿畫。他瞞騙了一個個專業鑑畫家,連權威拍賣行如蘇富比和佳士得也不虞有詐,公開拍賣其畫作讓富人高價競投;各大博物館也毫不知情地展出他的偽畫。儘管東窗事發,被世人唾罵,他依然不可一世,繼續沉醉於自己用畫筆寫下的童話。若一個畢加索一個達文西足以流芳百世,貝卓奇如變色龍的畫技也許更令人驚訝。貝卓奇大無畏地挑戰藝術的定義,偽術,又是否藝術的一種?本片榮獲德國電影獎最佳紀錄片獎。

For nearly 40 years, Wolfgang Beltracchi fooled the international art world for the largest art forgery scandal of the post-war era. With his forgeries of great masters such as Max Ernt and Heinrich Campendonk, he conceived renowned experts, curators, art dealers and even auctioneers in Sotheby and Christie. Passed off as an original Heinrich Campendonk and regarded by specialists as a “key work of modernism”, “Beltracchi’s” “Red Painting with Horses, 1914” was sold at auction for a record 2.8 million Euros. But it was here that the master forger made the mistake that was to expose him... In “BELTRACCHI - THE ART OF FORGERY”, Wolfgang and his wife Helene chat openly about their quixotic adventures in an overheated art world ruled by blind greed, and in which apparently no one has an answer to the question as to what is an original and what is a forgery. This film was awarded Best Documentary at the German Film Awards.

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