Boss Baby 1-2 Movie Set DVD

Version: Hong Kong
DVD Region 3
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Product Languages

Language  English, Cantonese, Mandarin
Subtitles  Chinese (Traditional), Chinese (Simplified), English

Product Features

  • Pictures shown may vary from actual product

Item Description

波士BB 1
生於溫室之家的七歲小男孩天仔,本來在父母眼中如珠如寶,最近卻被突然出現的BB細佬打亂一切。這位天才BB智慧過人,無時無刻都跟他搞作對;某夜天仔更 發現對方不但會穿西裝打領帶,而且說起話來活像古惑大老闆!到底這位霸氣BB甚麼來頭?他降臨世上有什麼特殊秘密任務?一切都由「腦細」主宰話事!

波士BB 2
回個快帶,當年Tim仔和霸氣波士BB細佬Ted,如今長大成人卻甚少碰頭- Tim仔已婚當上全職奶爸擁有兩個寶貝女,Ted就成為財力迫人的基金營運總監。怎料Tim仔剛出世不久的超萌細女Tina,原來是BB集團新一代特工,任務是要揭穿家姐學校創辦人的神秘詭計;她以最新科技霸氣現身,更夾硬拉攏Tim仔和Ted二度合作,終極目的是搞一場全新家族生意......?

Boss Baby1
DreamWorks Animation presents the fun-filled, feel good comedy of the year, The Boss Baby! Seven-year-old Tim Templeton suddenly finds his share of parental love plummeting when his new baby brother (Alec Baldwin) arrives ?? wearing a suit and toting a briefcase ?? and makes it clear to everyone that he??s in charge. But when Tim discovers that Boss Baby is on a secret mission, he reluctantly agrees to team up with his pint-sized sibling for an epic adventure that might just change the world!

Boss Baby2
The Templeton brothers have become adults and drifted away from each other, but a new boss baby with a cutting-edge approach is about to bring them together again - and inspire a new family business.

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