Confidential Mission

Compatible with Dreamcast™ (DC™)

For JPN/Asian systems only.
Version: Japan
Our previous price:US$75.99
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Confidential Mission
Confidential Mission
Confidential Mission
Confidential Mission
Confidential Mission
Confidential Mission

Item Description

Now "House of the Dead 2" and "Virtua Cop 2" freaks can once again pull out their light guns for this arcade port where they will assume the roles of Confidental Mission Force agents battling against terrorists who have made off with satellite operating system technology.In Confidential Mission, a satellite has been hijacked, and it's up to you to keep it FROM being used for evil. In ORDER to find this satellite, and the dude who is planning to take over the world with it, you follow a predetermined path to its destination while, along the way, shooting everything in sight. Every so often you'll be faced with a mini-challenge. During this challenge, you'll have to shoot a particular object in ORDER to head down a slightly different path than the predetermined one the game relies on.

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