

Corfu X (DVD-ROM)

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Version: Europe
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Corfu X (DVD-ROM)_
Corfu X (DVD-ROM)_

Product Features

  • Photo real texture (0.5-1.0m resolution) for whole Corfu Island
  • Custom terrain mesh for the whole island
  • Photo-realistic Scenery covering the main and the old town and both ends of the approach path.
  • Fully custom 3D airport with all structures
  • Custom HD ground textures with full FSX material properties (specular shine/water reflection) at airport
  • Realistic approach lighting system
  • Detailed rendition of Corfu’s famous landmarks on approach routes
  • Advanced animations at the airport (flag/vehicle animations etc.)
  • Detailed representation of old town and harbour
  • 3D re-construction of the main ship port and rocky shores of the old town
  • Very high framerates
  • Simple tool to configure the scenery

Item Description

Located in the Ionian Sea and not far from Italy, the island of Corfu has been a favorite holiday destination ever since air travel got cheap enough for the masses. Of course, as the rest of Greece, it has a long, often bloody and very rich history that is clearly visible all over the island.Ioannis Kapodistrias International Airport is a typical holiday airport. Off season it’s quiet with just a few flights every day while in the holiday season (and certainly on Monday and Friday) the airport is running at full capacity. The runway is built in a small bay and the approach from the south is spectacular as some of the best known landmarks are only a few hundred meters away. Though weather conditions are seldom a problem, wind can be an issue as it flows around and over the mountains that are close to the airport. In high summer turbulence can be severe close to the ground. As the runway has no ILS, all approaches are visual and certain the VOR DME NDB approach to runway 35 is not easy.LiVEinFSX modeled this airport using the latest insights in scenery design. But what makes this a special project is not the technology but the keen eye for detail and obvious love for the Greek islands that is clearly visible. If you never bought an add-on for FSX this is a great one to start with!

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