Critical Velocity

Compatible with PlayStation 2™ (PS2™)

For JPN/Asian systems only.
Version: Japan
USD 0.00
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Critical Velocity_
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Critical Velocity_

Item Description

Critical Velocity is set in "Priyo City", a 8km long and 9km wide, spacious and unique city. In here, gamers can drive through estates, speed down the highway and cut through narrow back lanes, enjoying the bustling city life and peaceful sub-urban living. Critical Velocity is a mission based driving game, containing more than 40 unique missions to choose from. During such mission, you can speed up to give chase to your enemies and then speed away after you have close in on them, make use of nitrate gas for hyper speed and more, realizing the excitement and action almost impossible in real life. Like in a movie sequence, the use of multiple camera angles with highly detailed graphics brings you one step closer to this virtual world. Critical Velocity contains no fixed routes, drivers can freely drive around the map as they wish.恋もドライブも全力疾走!広大なマップを縦横無尽・自由奔放に走り回り、爽快且つスリリングなカーアクションを楽しめる新感覚ドライビングアクションゲーム、満を持して登場!40種類を超えるミッションと、大作RPG顔負けのボリューム&クオリティのムービーが織り成すストーリーは、まるで1本の映画さながら。カーゲームという枠をはるかに越えた「物語」を紡ぎ出す新感覚ドライブゲームの誕生です。

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