

Dekalog (5-Disc)

Version: Hong Kong
DVD Region 3
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Product Languages

Language  Polish
Subtitles  Chinese (Traditional), English

Item Description

白雪皚皚中,人因何而生,åˆå°‡å¦‚何而死?《å誡》本屬電 視製作,但大師一出手å³æŠ€é©šå››åº§,æˆç‚ºæšå國際之作。奇 斯洛夫斯基ä¸ä½œåŸºç£æ•™æ•™ç¾©ä¸Šçš„è´…è¿°,而是用å個å„自ç¨ç«‹ 的故事,演繹å種人性困境,藉此一窺ç¾ä»£ç¤¾æœƒçš„é“德焦慮。 更有一ä½æ²‰é»˜çš„神秘男å­ç©¿æ¢­å„個故事裡,éœéœæ—觀著人們 在愛與妒ã€ç½ªèˆ‡ç½°ä¸­æŽ™æ‰Žä¸å·²,為無窮慾望而手舞足蹈,為 無端厄é‹è€Œæ†¤æ¨å’’ç½µ,為無常命é‹è€Œæ‡Šæ‚”痛哭,å個故事以 åŒä¸€å€‹å±‹é‚¨ç‚ºèƒŒæ™¯,在ä¹ä½é¢¨æ ¼ä¸åŒçš„æ”影師或å‡ç·´æˆ–深情 çš„é¡é ­ä¸‹,生命如åŒé‚£å±‹ç°·ä¸Šç·©ç·©èžåŒ–的雪水,短暫而脆弱。 天æ„難測,肉體終會消弭,信仰是上å¸çš„æ†æ†«,還是個體的 æ…°è—‰?高度發展的ç¾ä»£ç¤¾æœƒæ˜¯äººé¡žæ™ºæ…§çš„榮光,還是自å–æ»… 亡的笑話?一切在希望中宛如新生,åˆåœ¨æ²ˆé»˜ä¸­æ­¸æ–¼å¯‚æ»…, 沒有答案。

The Dekalog is a ten-episode television series, each focusing on one of the Ten Commandments of the Bible. The stories are set in contemporary Warsaw, with all the characters living in the same big housing estate who are caught in the ethical struggles of everyday life. This masterwork by Krzysztof KiesÌlowski is one of the twentieth century’s greatest achievements in visual storytelling. Its ten hour-long films, drawing from the Ten Commandments for thematic inspiration and an overarching structure, grapple deftly with complex moral and existential questions concerning life, death, love, hate, truth, and the passage of time. Shot by nine different cinematographers, with stirring music by Zbigniew Preisner and compelling performances from established and unknown actors alike, Dekalog arrestingly explores the unknowable forces that shape our lives.


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