Densetsu no Stafi

Compatible with Game Boy Advance™ (GBA™)
Version: Japan
Works on all systems sold worldwide, a correct regional account may be required for online features.
USD 0.00
Densetsu no Stafi_

Customer reviews

Average rating:  (5 out of 5)
Total votes: 3

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A star game
My favorite of the series, another Gem on the GBA. An awesome platformer and the language barrier is not hard to figure out if you do not speak japanese
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It\'s cool but not sexy
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Addictive & fun!
This is a superb platformer that\'s incredibly addictive. Quite why this hasn\'t been converted to an English language version is a mystery, as I\'m sure it would go down well with any game player who appreciates good level design and FUN over photo-realism.

It has a lot in common with the early Mario series, which can only be a good thing! It is unapologetically 2-D, the graphics are bright & colourful, the main character is cute, the learning curve is well-judged, when you die it is usually your own fault, and it has that essential \'just-one-more-go\' element that is often missing from other games that (inexplicably) sell by the bucket-load.

It\'s also a pretty big game, although you can probably finish the first \'adventure\' part in under 10 sessions. This section has you being taken from area to area in a pre-defined sequence, each of which involves performing specific tasks to keep some underwater creature happy. Occasionally you will meet a character who challenges you to a mini-game - if you beat them, they reward you by topping up your health. Each area usually ends up with you fighting a boss character before you can proceed to the next one.

But as you go through it you realise that there are some doors and areas that you can\'t get to. All becomes clear when the second part comes in. You suddenly have access to a map which allows you to revisit all the areas in whatever order you choose. This time you are looking for treasure chests that have been scattered across Stafi\'s world. Some are easy to find, others more difficult. Some are only accessible by beating the mini-games on the hardest setting. Oh, and you often have to fight those bosses again.

Downsides? Well, it IS all in Japanese, but it really doesn\'t seem to matter. Even where the text is (presumably) telling you what to do, you can usually gather what is required by paying attention to the accompanying cut-scenes at the top of the screen. Just occasionally, if you die, you are taken back to BEFORE a cut-scene, so you\'re forced to page through it again (there doesn\'t seem to be a means of skipping past it if you\'ve already seen it), but this is the exception rather than the rule.

So, all in all, an overlooked gem that I would heartily recommend to anyone who believes that gameplay is more important than whether a game is in 3-D or not.
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