
Dragon Age: Origins (DVD-ROM)

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Dragon Age: Origins (DVD-ROM)_
Dragon Age: Origins (DVD-ROM)_
Dragon Age: Origins (DVD-ROM)_
Dragon Age: Origins (DVD-ROM)_
Dragon Age: Origins (DVD-ROM)_
Dragon Age: Origins (DVD-ROM)_
Dragon Age: Origins (DVD-ROM)_
Dragon Age: Origins (DVD-ROM)_

Item Description

Welcome to the World of Dragon Age: Origins!

DA:O is BioWare’s return to its roots – a dark heroic fantasy game that combines original storytelling techniques with classic roleplaying.

Origin stories are a major feature of the Dragon Age experience. You choose your origin, and from that starting point, your story begins. You play through your character’s early days, defining his or her background and motivation and begin to learn more about the world of Ferelden from your own distinct perspective. Your choice of origin defines how you will view the world and how it views you. Choose a sneaky, disrespected commoner and you will play a story that focuses around subtle skills and careful wordplay. Choose a noble origin and the world will be much more positive and helpful, but those jealous of your status will not be afraid to take what you have, violently if necessary. More will be revealed on these stories soon…

In Dragon Age, your choices change the world and affect the people around you. Certain situations, storylines, and conversation options will change drastically depending on your origin and your motivations.

Every journey through Ferelden will be unique.

Customer reviews

Average rating:  (5 out of 5)
Total votes: 10

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Buy it now
If you love RPG's Dagonage:Origins does not dissapoint. I recomend it to anyone who loves bioware games!
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Grand experience
If you liked elder scrolls, fallout or any action-RPG, this game is highly recommended.

I bought the PC version from Play-Asia as a present (actually, I accidentally ordered the DVD of DA:O instead of the PS3 version of DA:O-Awakening - I really shouldn't buy stuff when I haven't had any sleep for 48 hours), but I do own the PS3 version.

The game offers an overwhelming experience - you are not only free to choose gender, looks (very robust character creation), species & their social status - but the entire intro is based on these choices. The things that happen during the intro still have an effect near the end of the story. You are also free to make choices, affecting the way your allies & other inhabitants of the rich world see you.

The story isn't limited to one struggle or battle either, there are numerous side quests (even from your party members, exploring their story further), there is also some intrigue in the form of love (or lust, if you prefer). You will receive several stat bonusses if your party members like you or respect you as their leader, but you may find some of your party members will admire you too much...

Even without all the side-quests and possible character relationships to explore - the main quest of this RPG is very lengthy - Since the story plays out depending on your reactions, background and with three classes of warrior (a mage, a rogue or a knight) to choose from - with too much different possible specialties to be unlocked in one play-through, there is also a lot of incentive to replay the game.

Negative points of this game:

If you buy it, your social life will suffer.
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5 star RPG!
A must buy for all PC RPG fans!
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Well worth the money
I was skeptical about this game after having seen some demo screens and test videos, but am pleased to say that it far exceeded my expectations. I really feel I got my money's worth with Dragon Age.

First up, like with any Bioware game, is the storytelling. If you're familiar with this company then I should have nothing new to say to you - it's brilliant, well scripted with snappy dialogue and voice casting. A great surprise for me especially coming off the Mass Effect games was the sheer length of the game: doing nothing but the main quest should take you somewhere in the vicinity of 40-50 hours for your first playthough. It's big. Really big.

The gameplay itself is nothing really new for a fantasy setting, especially if you're familiar with other games involving party-based combat. You have Warriors, who either heft big big weapons or sword-and-board and get right in the thick of things; Rogues, who are the typical thief class dual-wielding weapons or shooting from range; and Mages, who sling spells around. You build a team of four of varying classes and their subsets and hack and slash your way to victory.

The game can be quite unforgiving for a new player - it really requires either a well-planned list of Tactics (pre-scripted command lists based on priority that your computer-controlled party members follow) or intense micromanagement of each character. Expect to die. A lot. Once you get the hang of it (or if you're a seasoned MMO or RPG veteran) the combat starts becoming more an more seamless and natural).

This is a game that screams to be multiplayer enabled. It's a real shame it isn't. However, as a single player experience it is still certainly very worthwhile and recommended.
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A very expansive and captivating world
This game is huge. With multiple playthroughs of over 20 hours being possible with all 3 races, this game is definitely value for money, and the overall quality of the game throughout this epic journey is impressive. The game wears its inspirations heavily on its sleeve, with a very Tolkienesque world and the mechanics of the early Bioware RPG's being reintroduced and refined in this game. The heavily customizable gameplay experience this game offers ensures that players of all skill levels or story persuasion will find something to enjoy in this incredibly well written and designed game.
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