Version: Hong Kong
Blu-ray Region Free
USD 0.00

Product Languages

Language  Cantonese, Mandarin
Subtitles  Chinese, English

Product Features

  • 1080p

Item Description

Frankie is brought up in a strict middle clas family and lives a disciplined life. Yet in adolescence, he is curious about sex, so he turns to his “sex mentor” – porn magazines and his only friend from high school, Jing. With his help, Frankie got the chance to go camping with his crush Zoey in the hope of losing his virginity to her. He turns out to have done the ugliest girl from school!Time flies, Frankie works in Hong Kong after his studies in UK, and is in a stable relationship with Zeta. Their only yet fatal problem is their sex life, which eventually leads to their breakup. He finally accepts Jing’s invitation to the mainland for prostitution. As a newble, Frankie sees every detail fo the brothel in surprise and excitement. He is spellbound when he sets his eyes on Celie who gives him pleasure he has never experienced before. Frankie understands his passion for Celia is merely physical, while it is spiritual for Zeta. What will be his final decision on the struggle between love and lust? 向西在家教嚴厲的中產家庭長大,一直十分規矩,但青春期的他難免對性產生好奇。王靜是向西中學時期唯一的朋友,在他幫助下,向西得以邀請心儀已久的Zoey一起去露營。他給二人製造獨處機會,好讓向西破處成功,但向西卻誤打誤撞搞上了全校公認的大醜女!廿多歲的向西從英國回流,結識到女友Zeta。他們倆各方面都十分投契,唯獨在性方面有著嚴重問題,間接導致二人分手。向西接受王靜與在英國認識的好色學長James的邀請北上尋歡。初到歡場的向西覺得一切都新鮮刺激,遇見小思後更為之著迷,因他體會到前所未有的歡悅性愛,向西終於知道男人愛上尋歡的原因。向西心理上愛著Zeta,生理上卻渴望小思。情與慾的掙扎、性與愛的矛盾,到底他將如何取捨?

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