Egyptian Senet STEAM digital

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Egyptian Senet_

Item Description

Egyptian Senet (Ancient Egypt Game).
The Mysterious Afterlife Journey And The Favorite Pastime Of The Pharaoh Tutankhamun.
The Artifact Of The World's Oldest Board Game Found In King Tut's Tomb, Beside The Golden Coffin & Sarcophagus.

After performing opening of the mouth ceremony on your mummy by Anubis, you start your afterlife journey protected by Eye of Horus(Wadjet) to pass through the underworld realm of Osiris, challenging an invisible adversary inside an Egyptian hidden tomb in The Valley of the Queens located near the better known Valley of the Kings, on the west bank of the Nile river across from Thebes (Luxor).

Senet is a board game from predynastic and ancient Egypt, it is the earliest known record of a backgammon , checkers and chess like games.

The oldest hieroglyph representing a Senet game dates to around 3500 BC.The full name of the game in Egyptian was meaning "The game of passing".

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