Final Cut: Death on the Silver Screen (DVD-ROM)

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Item Description

The epitome of exciting mind tricks and derisive puzzles awaits in the world of Final Cut: Death on the Silver Screen, a gorgeous hidden object narrative game.

Morton Wolf, the most renowned filmmaker in the movie industry and an inventor with Tesla levels of notoriety has just passed away. The world is shocked by this great loss, and the events that transpire post mortem thrust two brothers into a great and severe mystery, as an untimely death is met with an untimely kidnapping.

Gamers will fill the heavy footsteps as one of the heirs, tasked with unraveling several conundrums - the whereabouts of the kidnapped brother, the identity of a mysterious and ambiguous character who seems to know more about the family than the family themselves, and stopping an invention of Morton Wolf’s that might just be the deadliest invention of all time.


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