Final Fantasy XIII Original Soundtrack

Version: Japan
Audio CD
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track listing

1 FINAL FANTASY XIII プレリュード2 FINAL FANTASY XIII ~誓い~3 第13日4 運命への反逆5 ブレイズエッジ6 封鎖区画ハングドエッジ7 パージされる者たち8 帰るための戦い9 下界のファルシ10 逃げてもいいの11 スノウのテーマ12 異跡13 ラグナロク14 あの日の空15 永遠の誓い16 Eternal Love(Short Version) 菅原紗由理17 ビルジ湖18 下界のルシたち19 召喚獣20 閃光21 栄光のファンファーレ22 バトルリザルト23 つかのまの安息24 騎兵隊のテーマ25 脱出26 撃墜27 アフロブルース28 遺棄領域ヴァイルピークス29 ライトニングのテーマ30 サッズのテーマ31 ドレッドノート大爆進!32 ガプラ樹林33 緊迫34 果てなき疾走35 サンレス水郷36 見失った希望37 ルシ狩り作戦38 希望なき闘争39 恩讐の果て40 グラン=パルスのルシ41 セラのテーマ42 父ちゃん奮闘だぁ!43 PSICON44 ホープのテーマ45 おまえの家はここだ46 償い47 ヴァニラのテーマ48 刻限49 ポンパ・サンクタ50 歓楽都市ノーチラス51 コクーンdeチョコボ~夢をみようよII~52 偽りの饗宴53 夢の終わり54 ルシの試練55 世界の敵56 ゲームオーバー57 聖府代表ダイスリー58 宿命への抗い59 ルシたちの想い60 継ぎゆく意志61 死闘62 神秘63 Choose to Fight64 ファングのテーマ65 異境大陸グラン=パルス66 アルカキルティ大平原67 パルスdeチョコボ68 ヤシャス山69 優しい思い出70 スーリヤ湖71 テージンタワー72 色のない世界73 帰郷74 カウントダウン75 動乱のエデン76 終焉の揺籃77 降誕78 罪深き希望79 ファブラ・ノヴァ・クリスタリス80 FINAL FANTASY XIII ~奇跡~81 使命82 生誕のレクイエム83 決意84 君がいるから(Long Version) 菅原紗由理85 エンディングロール

Item Description

Final Fantasy XIII is an epic fantasy and one stellar RPG that all gamers have been waiting years for. Excellent graphics and the intricate plot set it apart from the other games.Yet, we must not forget about the soundtrack, these melodies guide our emotional responses to the characters and their plight. Having composed music for SaGa Frontier and Final Fantasy X, Hamauzu Masashi is a master.Beside the orchestral, rock and techno instrumental tracks, the package includes Sugawara Sayuri's deeply emotional Kimi ga iru kara and the insert song Eternal Love. These two songs are must-hears for every Jpop fan and gamer.

Customer reviews

Calificación media:  (4.5 de 5)
Votos totales: 39

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Please note that opinions expressed in any review are those of our customers and do not necessarily match those of the Playasia.com team.

Great Music to a great Final Fantasy
This Soundtrack is complete variable and makes the Orchestra Music totally new.

Hamauzu makes a great Job to a Masterpice in the Vidogame Music for the FF-Franchise.
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[Final Fantasy XIII Original Soundtrack]
The music is great, the packaging is high quality, and my wallet is empty...but I'm still happy I got this!
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Perfect for music to hear
It has all the best sound and beat to get your heart what need to be happy. I like Sarah theme.
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Very great soundtrack
Every single track in this album is very stunning!! Superb composition with variations in various genre of music, jazz, classical and pop. Also, the package is beautiful even though it is a regular version. If you like Final Fantasy XIII, this soundtrack album is a must have!
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I enjoyed the music when I played through the game so I had to get the soundtrack and so should you. Good packaging and 4 discs of great music
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