Version: Hong Kong
Blu-ray Region A
USD 0.00

Product Languages

Language  English, Mandarin, Thai, Korean
Subtitles  Chinese, English, Thai, Malay, Korean

Product Features

  • 1080p

Item Description

《反斗奇兵》、《怪獸公司》金像獎班底,勇奪 2003 年奧斯卡「最佳動畫」,迪士尼.彼思《海底奇兵》帶你潛 入澳洲大堡礁的奇妙深海世界!小丑魚馬倫為救意外被人類 捉走的 Mo 仔,展開了驚險的尋子之旅,途中見盡別具個性 的動物朋友:仗義的失魂魚多莉、只愛吃素的大白鯊、衝浪 高手大海龜、艷麗的水母群和貪吃的海鷗等,過程曲折又惹 笑!這位勇敢的好爸爸,會如何排除萬難和家人團聚?影碟 附送全新特別收錄,同樣令人眼界大開。

Marlin (a clown fish) is a widower who only has his son Nemo left of his family after a predator attack. Years later, on Nemo's first day of school, he's captured by a scuba diver and taken to live in a dentist office's fish tank. Marlin and his new absent-minded friend Dory set off across the ocean to find Nemo, while Nemo and his tankmates scheme on how to get out of the tank before he becomes the dentist's niece's new pet...

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