Finding Teddy STEAM digital

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Finding Teddy_
Finding Teddy_
Finding Teddy_
Finding Teddy_
Finding Teddy_
Finding Teddy_
Finding Teddy_
Finding Teddy_

Item Description

A little girl was sleeping peacefully with her Teddy bear when suddenly, a monster popped out from her cupboard then stole her favorite plush.

When closing the door, the little girl awoke then got inside the cupboard. and was projected into a magical world, full of monsters and oddities.
She must now explore this strange land and help its inhabitants in order to rescue her Teddy.

Still, one question remains: will she be able to go back to the real world?

- The little girl: She's the main character, she's looking for her Teddy bear.
- Mister Fly: Very useful fly to access some items where the little girl can't go. Very courteous.
- Mister Cat: Has a bad temper, nevertheless useful to access small places and narrow galleries. Just need to scratch its back.


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