Freedom Force vs. The Third Reich

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Version: Asia
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Language  English

Product Features

  • Help Freedom Force save the world from the evil axis powers
  • Brand new chapter in the ever-expanding Freedom Force universe
  • 6 new playable heroes from 2 distinct eras of comic books
  • A hoard of new villains bent on world domination; radically enhanced graphics
  • Vastly improved multiplayer, including several completely new modes

Item Description

New threats call for new heroes to rise. As Nuclear Winter returns with a new ploy to destroy Freedom Force and the free world, three new silver age heroes, Tombstone, Green Genie, and Quetzacoatl, step up to help thwart evil. When the "Pesky Ruskie's" plan unfurls, Freedom Force find themselves transported to war-torn Europe circa WWII! The team will have to make an alliance with Sky King, Black Jack, and Tricolour, three Golden Age heroes willing to sacrifice everything to save the world from the evil axis powers.

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