Google Play KRW 15000 Gift Card | Korea Account digital

10,000 ₩
15,000 ₩
30,000 ₩
50,000 ₩
100,000 ₩
150,000 ₩
200,000 ₩
Version: Korea

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This item will deliver instantly in your account. A small portion of orders is subject to verification by SMS or Voice which may cause delays.
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15000 ₩

Item Description

Get music, movies, books Android apps and more on Google Play. Purchase and enjoy your content on both the web and your Android phone/tablet.

How to redeem Google Play Gift Card?:
1. Open the Google Play app .
2. Open the menu by tapping the three lines in the upper left-hand corner.
3. Scroll down and select "Redeem."
4. Enter the code.
5. Tap "Redeem."
6. Confirm that you want to redeem the money.
7. Enjoy your credit!

Important Note:
There are changes on Google Play Gift Card redemption process last June 15, 2021. Google is much stricter on account location. Oddly, most US-based customers we affected as well. Please be advised that account issues related to cross-country redemption should be fixed by the customers. The code sold doesn't have any issue.

WARNING: Before and after buying this code, please be reminded that Google Play Korea will only work in the Designated country of the gift card.


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Durchschnittliche Bewertung:  (5 von 5)
Bewertungen insgesamt: 3

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