.hack//G.U. vol. 3//Redemption

Compatible with PlayStation 2™ (PS2™)

For US/Canada systems.
Version: US
USD 0.00
.hack//G.U. vol. 3//Redemption_
.hack//G.U. vol. 3//Redemption_
.hack//G.U. vol. 3//Redemption_
.hack//G.U. vol. 3//Redemption_
.hack//G.U. vol. 3//Redemption_

Product Features

  • Is this really the end? - All questions from the series will finally be answered!
  • Enhanced Battle system – Haseo and his Avatar evolve into new forms and utilize new, more powerful attacks.
  • New Awakenings – Haseo gains a new Awakening power to deal out more damage to his enemies.
  • New Arena battles-Conquer the final tier of the Arena Battles to become the Sage Palace Emperor!
  • New locations – Investigate two new root towns and two new dungeons, as well as a massive hundred level dungeon unlocked after you beat the game called the Forrest of Pain.
  • Steam Bike – All new parts to customize your steam bike and five new steam bike missions
  • The Best of Friends – Choose from 22 different characters to join your party.
  • New Crimson VS cards – step up the card battle action with all new cards.

Item Description

The final installment of the exciting .hack//G.U. trilogy logs players back in to “The World” and answers all of their burning questions.

In the year 2017, the most popular game is an MMORPG called “The World.” Some players have found out the hard way that “The World” can be a dangerous place, with people falling into comas in real life after their characters are killed in the video game. The servers have been infected, so login at your own risk.

In .hack//G.U. Vol. 3: Redemption, the evil entity infecting servers of the game have broken free and are reaking havoc in the real world. Haseo and his friends must ask themselves if they can make the ultimate sacrifice in order to save the world.

Customer reviews

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Total votes: 8

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Excelent Game.
Well-received products. The last of a series of works for sale with excellent I'm glad.
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Satisfying End
This is it, the end to the .hack//G.U. trilogy. Now what each person expects a finale to be like may differ, but I assume most people want to be conclusive and spectacular in some sense. In terms of gameplay, you can expect most of the same, but the story, is a completely different animal. If you closely followed the story of the first two and thoroughly enjoyed it, I think this end of the trilogy will satisfy viewers, regardless of whether or not they like how each character's story wrap up. Of course, I won't give any spoilers, and it is best experienced on your own.

As I said, in terms of gameplay, there is nothing new here. If you've played the first two, you know almost exactly what to expect. The overall presentation of the game seems slightly more refined at times, the voice acting and sounds seem to draw the player in more this time, especially during the climax.

If you've played up to the second volume, there is no reason not to finish the trilogy with this game.
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The End ~
Can i be honest now? yes? no?

From following these games from start to finish, i could only think that these should of been stuck together, refined a little and made into one game, they have enough story to make them a \"game\", but if you are a rusher, aka someone that likes to complete games super fast without leveling, due to the difficulty or otherwise, you could easily have the main story beat in less then 15 hours.

Onwards to my review

So if you have played Volume 2, you will know the game ended with the \"defeat\" of Ovan, and the remergance of Ovan at Hidden Forbiddon Holy Ground aka Hull Granz Cathedral, in a sort of HIYA HASEO, speech then screen cracks, boy that sure was a long wait to find it the conclusion, finally here we have it.

So as with every game, the game has more things to do and more features available(why wasn\'t this there from the start?), what you get is

- More Missions
- More Bike Missions(to get more parts)
- More Enemys and weapons
- More characters to Join you
- More Arena battles
- More Crimson Vs Love
- More .hack//roots episode(a whole episode :) )

Besides the new plot twists and features, this continues the story, and ends it none the less, with one long action packed, emotion filled, sometimes jaw dropping moments, with a typical save the world premise that kicks in to move the game to its conclusion, with more stuff being pushed out into the open and revealed, just don\'t take your eyes and ears off the screen.

i like the arena, when you complete the game, you will have TWO yes TWO nice surprises

- A certain place as seen in .hack roots

This is a longer, ish, and the best volume of the 3 in my opinion, this is how .hack//g.u should of been.

curse you cyber connect 2 for not giving us bike missions in volume 1

the ending sucked, sorry but its true, i didnt think much of it, it ends the game sure, but if you want a super amazing jaw dropping ending then, sorry, however you get a super amazing jaw dropping moment plot twists, a few anyway

- Personal Hates-

THE DUNGEONS UGH, on quests and story related quests its pretty easy to guess which area you need to be in, when you use fairys orb on the dungeon

- How would i improve the game?

- More variety
- People in dungeons that arent standing around like statues or being pked
- less reliance on getting to the final floor of a dungeon to pad time, lets make a quest that ends on, oh hey floor 2 of.. 3?
- More side quests, don\'t just port the ones from previous games over.
- Flesh the other characters out more, don\'t just rely on greeting cards to get to know them, how about random emails from characters as the affection level increases to, oh get to know them more?
- above, if you are reading this and have completed the game, show your disapointment for lack of alkaid and haseo scenes

generally make the game and characters more human, itd be lovely to get more interaction, if this is an offline online, sim that is offline, then, quite frankly programme some random emails, and meeting places to meet characters and quest, we dont need big huge cutscenes, just give us a couple of text scenes like oh i dunno

Alkaid emails haseo, saying she wants to defeat someone who has been harrassing her, Haseo and Alkaid journey to the location given, and beat him, Alkaid and Haseo briefly talk, Haseo and Alkaid part ways, she goes offline, the end
(this could easily lead to alkaid opening up saying about herself more offline)

something like that

anyway, great game, i could go on about stuff ild love ingame but it wont happen
i just think as a game, and stuff the characters well most are majorly flawed and hollow

and that ends my super special .hack//g.u vol 3 review, see you all in the ps3 version of .hack when annouced and released :)
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