Heavy Rain: The Origami Killer

Compatible with PlayStation 3™ (PS3™)
Version: Japan
Works on all systems sold worldwide, a correct regional account may be required for online features.
USD 0.00
Heavy Rain: The Origami Killer_
Heavy Rain: The Origami Killer_
Heavy Rain: The Origami Killer_
Heavy Rain: The Origami Killer_
Heavy Rain: The Origami Killer_
Heavy Rain: The Origami Killer_
Heavy Rain: The Origami Killer_
Heavy Rain: The Origami Killer_

Product Features

  • This is a used item. If not otherwise mentioned below, spine card is included for titles that originally came with spine cards.

Item Description

There is no game over in Heavy Rain, only survival, or death. In a small town located in America, a strange killer is at large. He has one killing pattern; he kidnaps people, hold them captive for four days and then drown them, leaving an origami beside the corpses.The protagonist, Ethan has lost a son, and is not about to lose another one. When Shaun is kidnapped, Ethan is going to do anything to get him back. If the boy has indeed fallen into the trap of the Origami killer, he has four days rescue him.There are no escape routes, even if you failed in saving your son, your game, like Ethan's life, doesn't end, you have to live down the consequences. This is a game only for those of you with the guts to venture into the darkest depths of the human soul.愛は、どこまで貫けるのか 人は、どこまで許されるのか―――。人間の本能、本質に問いかける、大人のためのサイコ・サスペンス。4日間の拉致後、溺死させ、その手に折り紙を残す奇怪な「折り紙殺人鬼」。事件の真相を追う4人の主人公達は、それぞれ過酷な状況の中で様々な選択と決断を迫られていく。その決断を、人は許すだろうか? あなたは、許せるだろうか?「ゲームオーバー」という概念を取りはらい、すべての言動、行動の結果、そして最後の結末を、あなたはその心で受け止めなければならない。

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