Inner Voices STEAM digital

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Version: Region Free
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Product Languages

Language  English
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Product Features

  • NON-LINEAR storyline
  • Intriguing, disquieting gameplay due to the ever-changing randomized maze
  • Unique, dark atmosphere inspired by the works of H.P.Lovecraft, E.A.Poe and S.King
  • An amazing experience thanks to the moody soundtrack and audio design
  • Addictive story full of plot twists and choices that may lead you to one of 5 different ending
  • A possibility of enjoying the game in 4 different cinematic languages: English, Polish, Turkish and Russian
  • Engaging puzzles with different levels of complexity

Item Description

Tune yourself to the voices lurking in the head of John Blake - the tormented man dwelling in a trap… that only you can guide him out of.
You will never know whether what you see is true - and you can be sure, that even after you’ve escaped the trap, not all had been discovered…
You will be constantly searching for a way to escape the randomized maze of rooms, you will be haunted by new voices and you will be the one deciding… who dies.

Meet John and his past in possibly the only adventure game with a non-linear plot, procedurally generated user path and (more than) a pinch of the atmosphere of your favorite horrors.

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