JoJo's Bizarre Adventure

Compatible with Dreamcast™ (DC™)

For US/Canada systems.
Version: US
USD 0.00
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure_
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure_
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure_
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure_
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure_
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure_
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure_
JoJo's Bizarre Adventure_

Product Features

  • Arcade and story mode
  • 10+ characters FROM the hit comic book series, JoJo's Venture.
  • High-speed, tag-team style combo attacks.
  • Classic Japanese comic book style animation.
  • Four characters (two Stands) onscreen at once.
  • Nice tunes and some eerie melodies add to the mystique.

Item Description

In JoJo's Bizarre Adventure, travel through the Far East with Jotaro and friends as they look for his mother's captor, Dio. These wandering fighters have the help of "Stands" -- psychic partners that can be summoned when the battles get too intense. The Stands are like guardian angels and will mimic your awesome fighting moves and get you out of the tight spots. You can "Taunt" your combatant, or pull a slick air-juggle or string attack. The game is reactive, so the type of move you pull is relative to your opponent. Anticipate your attackers' strikes, block, and strategies, and you will win your match. The characters are aptly "bizarre," FROM a little dog with energy powers to a belly dancer that can swallow you whole and chew you up. The brilliant, detailed 2D animation looks fantastic on Dreamcast. In this densely-plotted fighting game, you will be amazed to see how far you can get with a little help FROM your friends.

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