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Subtitles  Chinese

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Item Description

榮獲金球奬最佳女主角,《BJ單身日記》《芝加哥》金像女星雲妮絲惠嘉強勢衝擊奧斯卡!被譽為百年10大最偉大女演員的茱地嘉蘭(雲妮絲惠嘉 飾)兩歲出道,是演唱俱皆的天才童星。16歲時,因主演經典電影《綠野仙蹤》及主唱名曲《Over the Rainbow》而攀上事業巔峰,卻換來片商的箝制及家人的疏離。長大後的她一度陷於抑鬱,終導致婚姻失敗及事業低潮。茱地痛定思痛,為了一對子女,她不惜放下身段,遠赴英倫演唱。在久違的歡呼聲激勵下,茱地以超水準的表演征服歌迷,她能否再次登上彩虹彼端,延續聲夢傳奇?

Winter 1968: Showbiz legend Judy Garland (Renée Zellweger) arrives in Swinging London to perform in a sell-out run at The Talk of the Town. It is 30 years since she shot to global stardom in THE WIZARD OF OZ, but if her voice has weakened, its dramatic intensity has only grown. As she prepares for the show, battles with management, charms musicians, and reminisces with friends and adoring fans, her wit and warmth shine through. Even her dreams of romance seem undimmed as she embarks on a courtship with Mickey Deans (Finn Wittrock), her soon-to-be fifth husband. And yet Judy is fragile. After working for 45 of her 47 years, she is exhausted; haunted by memories of a childhood lost to Hollywood; gripped by a desire to be back home with her kids. Will she have the strength to go on?

Featuring some of her best-known songs, including the timeless classic ‘Over the Rainbow’, JUDY celebrates the voice, the capacity for love and the sheer pizzazz of “the world’s greatest entertainer”.

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