Kengo 3 (PlayStation2 the Best)

Compatible with PlayStation 2™ (PS2™)

For JPN/Asian systems only.
Version: Japan
USD 0.00

Item Description

Kengo 3 features more than 30 famous historical samurai, and a large variety of missions, such as assassination, rescue, guarding, searching for targets and prison breakthroughs. A new time change element is added to the game, perform a task in different time may have varied effects. There are also a lot of special events at different time and places.剣豪シリーズの最新作がお求めやすいベスト版で登場!全国11箇所を舞台に、天下無双を追い求め、全国武者修行の旅に出る!各土地にある道場で剣技を磨き、仕立屋では衣装、刀屋では銘刀を購入 して装備する事も可能に!さらには武芸試合や口入れ屋の仕事をこなし出会った剣豪達とのイベントが待ち受けている!

Customer reviews

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Samurai Journey
This game isn\'t just about running around and slashing people up, its really serious especially if your a gamer who wants to play a samurai game seriously. The game is also involved with the arts of Samurai sword that there\'s so much technique beyond. Also it is complicated in terms of how you can use all these different techniques in certain moments. I love this Game alot..because it taught me to appreciate Japanese culture especially on the art of sword, and also this game takes alot of time to really develop your own character to make him fit into part of the story.

Thank you Play-Asia for all the Great service!
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