Magnetic: Cage Closed STEAM digital

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Magnetic: Cage Closed_
Magnetic: Cage Closed_
Magnetic: Cage Closed_
Magnetic: Cage Closed_
Magnetic: Cage Closed_
Magnetic: Cage Closed_
Magnetic: Cage Closed_
Magnetic: Cage Closed_

Product Features

  • Unique Tool: The magnet gun is a unique tool that can transform the environment, launch you through the air or assist with complicated box puzzles
  • Diversity: The challenges in Magnetic come in many forms, and blend logical puzzles with skill based movement in a unique combination
  • No playthrough is the same: Each choice has an impact on what comes next. New secrets and paths are just waiting for players to find them

Item Description

You are a prisoner trapped in a strange facility, filled with deadly traps and whispered secrets. At first, the facility and its inhabitants all seem like a mystery to you, but soon you begin to understand: Your only chance to survive is to master the Magnet Gun and stay out of harm's way. If you make yourself useful they will let you live a little longer, and sooner or later you will get your chance. As the Warden keeps on telling you: “There is always a way out…”

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