Making History 2: War of World

Compatible with Windows™ (PC)
Version: US
USD 0.00
Making History 2: War of World_
Making History 2: War of World_
Making History 2: War of World_
Making History 2: War of World_
Making History 2: War of World_
Making History 2: War of World_
Making History 2: War of World_
Making History 2: War of World_

Item Description

Developed in partnership with renowned economic historian and policy icon Niall Ferguson, MAKING HISTORY II: "The War of the World" marks a dramatic step forward in the MAKING HISTORY series. From the factories and shipyards on the homefront, to epic battles across the globe, MHII gives WWII grand strategy gamers the opportunity to lead a nation and remake history. MHII reflects the reality that economics win wars as much as combat, so players can customize the development of specific cities, regions and units to support their objectives. Along the way they will face rival political factions both domestic and international, diplomatic choices that affect their nation's status and reputation, and a reactive artificial intelligence that alters its strategy based on player actions. The detailed 3-D map creates an immersive environment that lets players spend more time on the map building their nations and planning battles.

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