Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater

Compatible with PlayStation 2™ (PS2™)

For JPN/Asian systems only.
Version: Japan
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Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater_
Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater_
Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater_
Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater_
Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater_
Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater_
Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater_
Metal Gear Solid 3 Snake Eater_

Product Features

  • First-person stalker based on popular series.
  • Interactive environments where traps catch enemies and prey.
  • Rely on camouflage, hunting, instincts, and skill.
  • Set in the 1960s where politics and war are shaping real world history.

Item Description

Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater is the third game in the series and it will take place in the cold war. Snake is sent to find a man named Sokolov in Russian territory and then take him to an extraction point in under four hours. Snake must keep his presence secret in the jungle at all cost. He parachutes down and once he hits the ground the mission begins...Metal Gear Solid 3: Snake Eater has a different setting, a jungle setting different from the previous Metal Gear Solid games. You play Solid Snake. You must stalk and hide from your enemies using camouflage. You also have to paint your face using templates. The soldiers will also be using camouflage. There will be no trails, you can go in any direction with a variety of ways to get the mission done. In addition to soldiers, you have a new enemy: the environment.全世界でシリーズ累計1460万本以上出荷の超大作「メタルギアソリッド」最新作登場!!オープニングタイトルに映画「セブン」「ミッション・インポシブル」のカイル・クーパー氏、音楽に「スパイ・ゲーム」「シュレック」などの映画音楽で知られる作曲家、ハリー・グレッグソン=ウィリアムズ氏を起用!!

Customer reviews

Average rating:  (5 out of 5)
Total votes: 12

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Hungry for some Snake?
In this package you are getting the SUBSISTENCE version of the game, which includes MGS3 with additional content and a fully user controlled camera. Your are also getting the original MG1 and MG2 for the MSX2 with updated graphics. Everything comes nicely packaged inside a collectors box alongside a fully colored oversized manual. This is an awsome edition for an awsome title!
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metal gear solid 3 snake eater
hiya i love ocelot sooooooooooo much he is soooooooo fit and cute n he is mine 4lyf and 4 eva so ha
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there no arguing this game is just too awsome not to get
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Brilliant Game! This and Resi 4 all the way!
A New Metal Gear Solid game release is always a very special moment in the gaming calendar and this one lives up to the Name and then some!.
The fact that about 2/3\'s of the game is set in the jungle is obviously new for the series. But this is proper Tatical Espionage Action! This is what it\'s all about people!.
Trying to survive in the jungle, Eating only what you can kill. The boss fights are also very impressive especially the last one with the boss, the setting is very much like the last fight in \"House Of Flying Daggers\".
Overall A great game, with great action and cinematics...... Ok so it\'s got the long cut scenes( not as bad as MGS2) and the camera can sometimes be a little annoying. And if you are new to the Metal Gear series then the controls may be tricky to get use to. But these minor things aside, this is an essential purchase!. top stuff
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Sugoi desu ne ?
I\'ve done the US version of the game, which is surely one of the best game EVER made, with one of the best storyline EVER written for a game (ok, there\'s Xenogears...).
In the present case, I\'m very interested by this japanese version but I\'m wondering: are the voices in japanese or still in english ?
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