
Version: Hong Kong
Blu-ray Region A
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Product Languages

Language  Japanese, Cantonese
Subtitles  Chinese
Miss Hokusai_
Miss Hokusai_
Miss Hokusai_

Product Features

  • 1080p

Item Description

å¾·å·å¹•åºœæ™‚代,狹窄簡陋的長屋內ä½äº†ä»¥ã€Œè‘›é£¾åŒ—齋ã€ä¹‹å創作浮世繪的éµè—ã€æ¾é‡è± 飾】ã€å¥³å…’阿榮ã€æ 飾】以åŠé£Ÿå®¢æ± ç”°å–„次郎ã€æ¿±ç”°å²³ 飾】。雖然éµè—已經步入è€å¹´ï¼Œä½†æ˜¯ä»–的創作力ä¾ç„¶ä¸æ¸›ç•¶å¹´ã€‚阿榮ç¾å¹´23歲,是éµè—的第二個女兒,她繼承了父親的創作æ‰èƒ½ï¼Œå¯æ˜¯ä½œçˆ²å¥³æµä¹‹è¼©å¾ˆé›£å¾—到èªå¯ã€‚與阿榮åŒæ­²çš„善次郎曾是一å武士,仰慕葛飾北齋的他在春宮畫方é¢é —有一手。三人在這間雜亂無章的å°å±‹å…§æ—¥ä»¥ç¹¼å¤œçš„埋首創作,阿榮曾誇å£èªªï¼šã€Œçˆ¶å¥³äºŒäººï¼Œæœ‰å…©æ”¯ç•«ç­†å…©é›™ç­·ï¼Œåˆ°å“ªè£¡æ‰“滾都有得åƒï¼ã€ç„¶è€Œéš¨è‘—困難時期的來臨,阿榮也ä¸å…變得æ–擺ä¸å®šã€‚一å‘è±é”的北齋,當é¢å°é›™ç›®å¤±æ˜Žçš„幼女阿猶ã€æ¸…水詩音 飾】時終究難掩擔憂煩惱之情。阿榮ã€å–„次郎與國直ã€é«˜è‰¯å¥å¾ 飾】相逢,羡慕ã€æ•¬ä»°ã€å°Šé‡ã€è‡ªå‘等百樣情感交雜其中。四季æµè½‰ï¼Œå……滿活力的江戶街é“與雄壯寬廣的兩國橋上,留下了é™é æ™‚代年輕人們的身影……
“Miss Hokusai†is the story of O-Ei, daughter of one of Japan's most famous artists, Katsushika Hokusai. During the Edo Period, he created some of the most iconic images like “The Great Wave off Kanagawa†and by popularizing a new line-drawn style he set the groundwork for what would become the modern Manga, which makes him the Godfather of Anime (and, yes, also tentacle erotica).
The movie depicts the new capital Edo, which would become modern day Tokyo, during a time of restoration and unification. This led to a new found prosperity, which in turn led to a prospering art-scene and personal freedom. The attempt to recreate the look and atmosphere of Edo during its heyday and taking the viewer on a tour through the city is as much part of the plot as the characters.
The story itself is less like a traditional linear plot but more like a series of vignettes that channel a famous piece of art to portrait the members of the Hokusai family. Beside the father and the older daughter, the stories also centers on O-Ei's relationship to her younger sister Onao, who has been blind since birth. To connect to the world, O-Ei uses descriptions lets Onao's use her other senses to experience her surroundings. It's basically art explaining itself within a work of art.
If this doesn't sound too meta for you and you're ok to let art talk for itself, this is for you. Everyone else be aware that there is very little of the common Anime tropes in this one.

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