Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme VS Force

Compatible with PlayStation Vita (PS Vita)
Version: Japan
Works on all systems sold worldwide, a correct regional account may be required for online features.
USD 0.00
Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme VS Force_
Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme VS Force_
Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme VS Force_
Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme VS Force_
Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme VS Force_
Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme VS Force_
Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme VS Force_
Mobile Suit Gundam Extreme VS Force_

Customer reviews

Average rating:  (4 out of 5)
Total votes: 4

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A decent game from the EXVS series
I bought this game even though I heard many negative reviews regarding it, mainly because I am a huge fan of the Extreme Versus series. I absolutely enjoyed the missions that this game offers, they are very dynamic compared to the missions from Extreme Versus Full Boost.

However, the main reason I gave it a 3 star rating is because some actions from the mobile suits were cut. If you have played EXVSFB on PS3 you would definitely struggle to get used to the returning mobile suits in this game. I don't understand why the developers did this, as I don't believe there aren't enough buttons on the vita. They could've used the corresponding actions on each button (or a combination of two buttons) like they did with the psp Gundam vs Gundam Next Plus.

Another reason is they removed the awakening system, which is a huge disappointment because you are unable to use burst attacks anymore. The awakening system is what gives the player a chance to turn the tables and has always been an important part of the EXVS series.
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Great Game
Great Game Thanks Play asia
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A new Idea that had to use a familiar name to be known
I preordered this game because I was expecting Extreme Vs type free battle for the vita. To many, thats boring but to me its a godsend because it allows me to play a game with little time commitment in between classes or at the doctors office. In addition i have become disillusioned by gaming the last few years because of the constant updates and game installs which makes a casual player who games on the side adverse to consoles. Like all who know Extreme Vs, I was excited because now I can play a game that didnt require me to download updates everyday and install it prior to playing.

Now on to the game. The game is not extreme vs as you know it.There are 3 main criticisms for this game and I will address all of them:

1)There is no free battle mode. It is true that it took a dynasty warriors template with the Extreme Vs combat system. But honestly, I am thankful for this choice of design because now it gives a reason to play Extreme Vs other than arcade mode. There are actual goals to strive for. I love the Extreme Vs battle system and now that I get to have that system in larger battles excited me and made me forgive Bandai for the lack of Free Battle.
2) The other criticism I have heard is the difficulty. I agree some points are hard, but thats what I love about the game, Its challenging. As a goal-oriented person I love having challenges and it just made me want to play more.
3) The last problem people had with the game is the brevity of gameplay. My counterargument is how Extreme Vs in general has a brevity of gameplay. But maybe its the way Im thinking about it. Instead of seeing the game as brief, I just saw it as a simulator with 80 missions which are all really fun.

In summation, I gave this game a 4 mainly because of the shortage of playable suits toping around 50. Im not too upset over it considering how the PSP EXVS games had a similar amount. I would actually give it 4.5 if the survey allowed me. Although I got something completely different from what I expected I was glad I did. I think if bandai expands this type of game: EXVS battle system + Good Exciting Suits + Dynasty warriors battles + tactical movements, I would be a happy camper.

PS (a fanboy note: I was soooo happy banshee norn is in this game and it doesnt suck!!)
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Different than previous title
Quite different than traditionl Gundam vs series, rather than pure fighting this title focus on commanding and defending. The drawback the game lacks of certain features(Free Battle etc). Looking forward for future sequel for this game.
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