

Mobile Suit Gundam Side Stories (Chinese Sub)

Compatible with PlayStation 3â„¢ (PS3â„¢)
Version: Asia
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Our previous price:US$31.99
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Product Languages

Language  Japanese
Subtitles  Chinese
Mobile Suit Gundam Side Stories (Chinese Sub)_
Mobile Suit Gundam Side Stories (Chinese Sub)_
Mobile Suit Gundam Side Stories (Chinese Sub)_
Mobile Suit Gundam Side Stories (Chinese Sub)_
Mobile Suit Gundam Side Stories (Chinese Sub)_
Mobile Suit Gundam Side Stories (Chinese Sub)_
Mobile Suit Gundam Side Stories (Chinese Sub)_
Mobile Suit Gundam Side Stories (Chinese Sub)_

Item Description


本作å“是除了收錄之å‰æ‰€å…¬å¸ƒçš„全新動作éŠæˆ²ã€Šæ©Ÿå‹•æˆ°å£«é‹¼å½ˆå¤–傳 失è½çš„ç’°ç¯€ï¼ˆæ©Ÿå‹•æˆ¦å£«ã‚¬ãƒ³ãƒ€ãƒ å¤–ä¼ ãƒŸãƒƒã‚·ãƒ³ã‚°ãƒªãƒ³ã‚¯ï¼‰ã€‹ä¹‹å¤–ï¼Œä¹Ÿä¸€ä½µæ”¶éŒ„ä¹‹å‰åœ¨å„種主機上所發售的《鋼彈外傳》系列作å“。也就是說《機動戰士鋼彈外傳 失è½çš„環節》並éžæ˜¯ä¸€éƒ¨ç¨ç«‹çš„作å“,而是包å«åœ¨ã€Šæ©Ÿå‹•æˆ°å£«é‹¼å½ˆå¤–傳》裡的作å“之一。

收錄的作å“加上這次所公布的《機動戰士鋼彈外傳 失è½çš„環節》,還包括有《機動戰士鋼彈外傳蒼è—命é‹ã€‹ã€ã€Šæ©Ÿå‹•æˆ°å£«é‹¼å½ˆå¤–傳 殖民地墜è½ä¹‹åœ°ã€‹ã€ã€Šæ©Ÿå‹•æˆ°å£«é‹¼å½ˆå¤–傳宇宙ã€é–ƒå…‰çš„盡頭...》ã€ã€Šå‰ç¿æœ€å‰ç·š 機動戰士 0079》ã€ã€Šæ©Ÿå‹•æˆ°å£«é‹¼å½ˆæˆ°è¨˜ 失è½æˆ°çˆ­ç·¨å¹´å²ã€‹ç­‰ä½œå“,也收錄了除了上述之外具代表性的《鋼彈外傳》系列作å“。



Customer reviews

Average rating:  (4 out of 5)
Total votes: 5

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great gundam game
it is a great gundam game with story taken in side story from gundam
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mobile suit Gundam side stories
Big Gundam fan! little bit disappointed with this 1
Nuff Said
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For Gundam fans
While it's not the best gundam game out there and the graphics can be subpar at times. But in saying that it plays well and if you are a true gundam fan then this is a game that you should consider playing
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Totally for Gundam fans
Yes, it's totally for Gundam fans' game. That's it.

Well, if you are a Gundam fans, it is full of Gundam side story to complete you Gundam's world. But! It only for the story level, not the game level! The game is full of PS2 style! Some of the map are nothing on it. it's like a flat plane. Come on Bandai, I did play "MOBILE SUIT GUNDAM: TARGET IN SIGHT". I know you can do better.

If you are not Gundam fans, this game only has 1 Star!!
If you are Chinese, this is a Chinese Subtitle game then the game has 2 Stars!
If you are Gundam BIG fans and Chinese, then this game has 3 Stars!
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Lengthy game, for gundam fans only
If you are a Gundam fans, then give it a shot, there is like 8 side stories. Don't expect this to be a remake, it's just Missing Link gameplay with other side stories in it.
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