Monster Hunter

Compatible with PlayStation 2™ (PS2™)

For JPN/Asian systems only.
Version: Japan
Version: US
USD 0.00
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Monster Hunter_

Item Description

Imagine Jurassic Park as an exotic hunting ground instead of a glorified zoo and you start to have the first inkling as to what Monster Hunter is all about. Now cross in the colorful worlds seen in the Phantasy Star Online series and the spirit of adventure found in the Diablo games. Top with a dash of role-playing elements along with a side serving of online play and you have the recipe for a winning game.新米ハンターとなって、草食動物や攻撃的な飛竜など、独自の生態系を持つ様々なモンスターを打ち倒そう!広大な草原、深い森、巨大な滝・・・様々な地形がプレイヤーを待ち受ける!オンラインにも対応!仲間と組んで狩りも楽しめるぞ!

Customer reviews

Average rating:  (4.5 out of 5)
Total votes: 3

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No title
I do not play online or anyfing lyk dat but i finished easily with my trusty Serpantblade, which is currently a great serpantblade, and no, i am not a sad single man who liyes with iz mom and sits playin on iz computer games l8 into da night, NO! i\'m just ur average teenager wiv my long hair and my sk8 board. if u wanna finish da game just upgrade ur boneblade to a gr8 serpantblade and ur on fire babi! WOOO!!!Now i currently own a Rathalos firesword and full Rathalos armour, but armour dont really matter, just make sure u av sum, lets say kut-ku armour or... or even velociprey! u know use ur imagination, now i\'m supposed 2 be makin my review so ill giv it 6! oh...er...wait... it, err... seems dat i cant... errrrrrrrrr... ill giv it 5 instead! ( by da way my names not Kev, itz Dale!)
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Not as glamorous as it sounds
Don\'t get me wrong, Monster Hunter is a great game, but it will require a lot of patience. Before you can start hunting real monsters, you will have to A LOT of basic and boring stuff first, such as catching fish, collecting plants and insects, and cooking meat. It can be a fun novelty at first, but it soon gets repetitive and a little boring. But when the boredom sets in you can just go and butcher some random animals if you like, so it\'s not all bad.
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Awesome RPG Game!
This is definetly the next big game from Capcom! This game is a must buy for everyone out there into RPGs. It will take a solid devotion to even get through the game in single player since there are so many quests. Although the battle system could be better, the awesome gameplay makes up for it. The downside for importers is that this games contains A LOT of Japanese and it can be hard to figure out what to do for the quests. A guide will help for this though. Don\'t let the Japanese text stop you from getting this game though because it is aweosme! You will also need a KDDI account to play online.
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