Neo Fami

USD 0.00
Neo Fami_
Neo Fami_
Neo Fami_

Product Features

  • Famicom compatible gaming console
  • Plays Japanese 8-bit Famicom games
  • Includes 2 Joypads
  • Compact size
  • Ideal for all classical video game fans and collectors
  • From the Japanese manufacturer Gametech

Item Description

The Neo Fami from the Japanese manufacturer Gametech plays back all Japanese 8-bit Famicom cartridges. The unit ships with 2 Joypads, AC adapter and AV cable.

Customer reviews

Average rating:  (4 out of 5)
Total votes: 4

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Under no circumstances buy this rubbish.
I\'ve purchased one of these systems--it worked for a little while, then began to malfunction for no readily apparent reason, and won\'t play any games.

I expect a bit more reliability for this amount of money and didn\'t get it here. Look elsewhere.
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neo fami
total agreement with above review....going to get a second unit to customize!!!
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Not an Bad Little Product
For American gamers, buying an reliable, working Famicom is an pain. The Pins inside the Famicom are of poor quality, much like the NES, and the power outage, the plug, is not compatible over here. However, thanks to Gametech, there is an new solution for that and it’s called Neo-Fami.

First off, the system is remarkable small and can fit in any entertainment system. Which is an big plus for people who hook-up multiple systems and other electronic appliances. The system is quite reliable and I have yet to have an problem with it. Just remember, clean your Famicom games before using them in this system. Chances are, your games are dirty; why make the pins inside the Neo-Fami dirty as well. For the NES, and early Famicom units, the pin connectors were of poor quality. They couldn’t break through all the dust and debris that was presented on the cartridges pins. So in return, the systems would break eventually.

However, the Neo-Fami’s pins are of high quality and can take quite a hit. Which is good for the systems long run; good pins equals long life. The controllers are of an nice fit although they are an bit small, however they don’t mess with the gaming experience. The “Slow Down” feature is completely useless though. Hit the start button rapidly like an idiot, that’s the “Slow Down” feature.

Keep in mind that the Neo-Fami is NTSC-J based. For American gamers, this means nothing. Our TV system is based around the NTSC architecture so there is no worry that this system won’t operate on an American based TV. It will and does an fine job of it. The only Famicom based system to have an composite outlet, to my knowledge, is the Top Loading Famicom. So this gives the Neo-Fami an huge advantage, it allows composite out for an better picture. Keep in mind that it does not support RF; composite or nothing.

Overall, this is an great product for gamers who are looking for an “Famicom Alternative”. I recommend it fully for any gamer, and trust me, you won’t regret it!
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