Nobody Saves the World STEAM digital

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Nobody Saves the World_
Nobody Saves the World_
Nobody Saves the World_
Nobody Saves the World_
Nobody Saves the World_
Nobody Saves the World_
Nobody Saves the World_

Product Features

  • Transform into MANY FORMS: Unlock 15+ distinct Forms, from Rat to Rogue to Robot, each with its own unique gameplay mechanics.
  • Mix & Match ABILITIES: Combine over 80 Form abilities to create powerful customized builds. Play as an Egg that can leave a trail of slime and shoot fireballs!!! We can't stop you!
  • Unconventional QUESTS: Help the strange inhabitants of this world deal with their troubles. Each Form also has its own set of quests, which you can complete in creative ways.
  • Evolving Dungeons: As you become stronger, procedurally generated dungeons increase in difficulty and complexity to keep you on your toes.
  • Local & Online Co-op: Invite a friend to play through all, or part, of your adventure together!
  • Endless Fun: Tackle an infinite, ever-changing endgame dungeon to unlock a new form, and build a glorious statue to celebrate your skills!
  • New Game+: Put your Forms and abilities to the test against leveled-up enemies and dungeons with remixed difficulty modifiers.
  • Awesome Soundtrack: New original music by acclaimed composer Jim Guthrie.

Item Description

Transform from a featureless nobody into a SLUG, a GHOST and a DRAGON in this new take on Action RPGs from the creators of Guacamelee! Discover 15+ distinct Forms, mix-and-match their abilities, clear evolving dungeons and... SAVE THE WORLD!?

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